Author's Note: Q&A

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So, with an end to a book, come a Q&A. I thought I might do one, so if you have any questions, comment below! Or message me some, honestly, I don't care. Anyway, I would just like to thank everybody who read this and stuck along the whole crazy ride. You guys are amazing and I hope you continue to read to the next book. (which is out now!)

Alright! Let's get to this!

1.Who is your favorite character in the Assassin's Creed series so far?

~My favorite has to be Bartolomeo D'Alviano from Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood. I just really liked him all in all and he was a funny character at times, serious at other moments and he was just a great character. I also like La Volpe from Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood. He was a good character as well and I really enjoyed him when you were with him. Other characters I like are Ezio, Altaïr, Malik, Sef, Sofia, Yusuf, Maria, Achilles, Stephane and Robert. (Interesting fact, Robert worked in the city where I live!)

2. Who is going to be the next Assassin in your sequel? Will it be the same person? Perhaps someone from Ezio's time? Or is it going to be a Templar?

~Haha, no Templars . . . yet. I will continue with an Assassin. I don't really want to mention much since it's out, but, it will be a bit forward in time from this time period and it will not be the same Assassin. I did put in some key information to keep in mind at the last couple of chapters. So, if you want, go back and skim through them before you start reading the next book! What I will say is, yes, a new Assassin, no, not the same one and will be in a different time period from the one this book was set in.

3. When will it take place? (referring to the next book)

~Like I said in the previous question, it won't take place during this time. It will be a bit in the future and again, I did put some hints in the last couple of chapters. I have a feeling that most of you will guess when it is going to take place, but, I still like to try to keep you guys guessing.

4. Will the new character meet another known Assassin?

~Yes! Several! Haha, keeping you on your toes!

5. Which is your favorite Assassin's Creed game/book?

~Don't know if you guys know this, but there is a book series to go with the games! Whoa! Crazy right?! Anyway, to answer this question, I like Brotherhood! Both book and game. I liked the game because it was interesting how they had the Borgia family. How insanely crazy they made them for power, money and all that jazz. The book was pretty amazing too, but I would have to say that in second place is going to have to be . . . Assassin's Creed 2 and shorty after Assassin's Creed (1). I would have to say that Revelations comes shortly after and then at the very bottom of my list, is Assassin's Creed 3. I haven't put Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag to this because I haven't played or read the book yet. I know, pitiful.

6. Why does she say 'resquiescat in pace'? I thought Ezio said that?

~Great question! So, here's how it goes, resquiescat in pace is LATIN for rest in peace. Back in Ezio's time, Italian's were still using a lot of Latin words, rest in peace or resquiescat in pace being one of them. I put resquiescat in pace here in my story because during the time period I have it set for here, the French still used Latin in a lot of their speech as well. Actually, if you were to go to Italy and say resquiescat in pace at someone's funeral, they would have no clue what you just said. Now, resquiescat in pace is used mostly in the French language, even though the French have their own translation of rest in peace, it is still common to use resquiescat in pace.

7. Do you know French and Arabic? Or just one of the two languages?

~Yup! I know French. I’ve been learning French since I was in Primary. It’s a bit weird the systems out here where I live, but I pretty much learned and took all my courses in French since Primary. I didn’t actually start learning English until I was in grade 3. Anyway, even at that, I would only have English maybe once, twice a week at most. The rest of my courses were still in French. When I got into grade 6, I had English every other day. (Despite it being my first language) Now, this year will be my last year with all French courses. After this year I’ll only have three courses in French every single year. Weird right? Even this year, I only had English for one semester and have French for two. Next year, I’ll have both languages for one semester. As for Arabic, I had to Google those translations and made double sure, they were the correct translation.

8. Why did you change Vega’s location?

~I played Assassin’s Creed 2 and Brotherhood over again and they said that they were in Italy, specifically, Rome. Hence why I change her location. Really, it’s nothing big, but you will need to have her location in mind when reading the next book.

9. How close to Altaïr’s story is this?

~Umm, pretty close. I used the Assassin’s Creed Wikia page for a guideline for this story. I would say that the story is pretty close. I tried to make it as close as possible. Same with the next book, I tried to make it as close as possible.

10. How many books is going to be in this series?

~Right now, at this moment, I plan for about 4 books. Might be more, might be less. They all will average about the same length.

11. Who does all the editing for your story?

~Surprisingly, I do! I use a few programs and then read through the story a few times before I post it. On average I think I spend more time editing and reading through the story than I do writing. But, I enjoy it and it’s fun! I want this story to be as close to me as possible. Personally, I think that when someone get’s someone else to do the editing, the story/book loses it’s feel. The editor doesn’t know you’re characters like you do! So, why not do your own editing? I know, some people have bad grammar, or just don’t know how to edit their own stories/books. Trust me, it take a while and a lot of practice.

Alright! That’s all the Q&A for now. Comment down below or message me with more questions and I’ll answer them in here! Add to the list as it gets bigger. Anyway, again, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love this series and I love hearing positive feedback. It means I’m doing something right! Haha, anyway, I’ll see you guys in the next one. Cheers!

*Note: SECOND BOOK IS OUT NOW! It’s called: Ezio Auditore Has A Secret. Go check it out on my profile!

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