Chapter 30: Capture and unexpected kiss??

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Chapter 30

I gasped when I woke up I was in an ordinary basement with an ordinary wooden door not and I was not tied up in chains. Stupid vampires thought I was dead. I grumbled very quiet death threats and quietly opened the door.

I snuck upstairs and was about to go into another room where I heard talking but I was grabbed by the hair and I snarled in pain. I was about to turn around and stab the son of a bitch but somebody stabbed me in the stomach with a stake which just pissed me off even more. They then dragged me into the room where all the other vampires were. I saw a terrified looking Anna in the corner.

"She isn't dead boss." One of the vampires said, he had shaggy hair and just as shaggy clothes and looked absolutely rabid.

"I saw her die," The one who was the "boss" narrowed his eyes walking toward me, "what are you?"

"Im an original you moron." I spat in his face which got me staked in the stomach again, "Im also a witch in the one who accidently freed you from the tomb."

"Is it a true?" The boss snarled turning on Anna who nodded looking frightened, she looked she had been crying, "Put vervain cuffs on her and put her with Pearls daughter. Search her though."

I screamed as the put the cuffs on my wrists and drug me over to Anna. Then the man holding me patted me down stopping at my waist grabbing the two stakes I had. Then he went practically slow down my butt making me snarl. He chuckled and continue searching but missed the vervain bombs. He pushed me down next to Anna causing the cuffs to press more on my wrists making me to wince.

"So why are you so scared?" I asked Anna.

"You know that woman I got out of the tomb?" Anna asked, I nodded. "That was my mom and she got in these stupid vampires way and they killed her."

"I'm so sorry." I told her, "My real parents are long dead too."

"Oh." Anna said then one one of the vampires came over and kicked her. I snarled at them and used the migraine making power on the vampire making him scream then a different vampire came over and rubbed vervain on my face making me scream and stop the migraine, then he staked me in the heart and I felt excruciating pain and then died for the second time that die.

One hour later

Damon's POV

"Where is Cat?" I asked for about the millionth time.

"We don't know Damon!" Stefan yelled.

"Well I would like to know becaus she isnt answering her phone." I growled at him, my little brother was starting to get on my nerves.

"I have a hunch." Ric said speaking for the first time.

"Please share." I said irritably glaring at Ric.

"Well two vervain bombs and some stakes are missing so my guess is she went after the vampires and got captured." Ric answered.

"Your just telling me this now?" I snarled.

"It just became relevant." Ric sighed giving me an irritated look which I returned with a death glare.

"Well lets go save her!" I sighed looking at Stefan, Elena and Ric.

Stefan sighed, "Let me take Elena home and we'll go because if we don't go you'll go alone and get yourself killed."

Half an hour later we were hiding behind bushes outside a run down old house which a just as down and old lady owned.

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