Heart Of A Horse (Intro)

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Can you imagine being a shape shifter, a proud one, strong and brave yet female. No ha ,well your gonna have to because that's what I am. Me and my family, we were all shape shifters, yet I am the only one of my kind left. I used to have a family, a herd.

But a something did change that.

One day my family got into a fight a battle that lasted 6 days, me being only 11 was not allowed to fight with the rest of my family. So they hid me bellow the cellar. After a while the sounds of the battle stopped. I heard people looking through the house, then nothing after a day of silence. I came out from beneath the cellar, but when I did I wished I hadn't. There was my family, my mum, dad, 3 brothers,gran and.... wait 3 brothers. I had four. I looked around I didn't, couldn't find him.

Then it hit me, my family, my whole family was dead, killed, murdered. I fell to the ground and cried I felt broken. Literally, suddenly I felt this pain in side of me emotional, physical and mental. I screamed out letting go of all the anger and as I did I felt myself changing in to my animal form. When I was fully changed I felt different, somehow like this transformation was final, the first and the last. I welcomed that, being in animal form helps to lessen the pain, which I was glad of I had no one to share it with. I berried my family and everyone else. Said good bye.

With that I turned away and ran

Off in to the night.

I am arrabella night.

The last and only horse shifter.

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