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The drive back was irritably silent. So silent that I could practically hear the engine come to a halt. Shit.

This seriously can't be happening! Not now! Not at this time! My clothes were wet, it was dark and I was exhausted. This isn't what I was expecting to happen at all.

Laura got out the car and I followed behind her. As she checked the engine I leant against the door as cars passed by. I'd been waiting there for what seemed like hours when a car stopped beside me. The window rolled down and of course, it had to be Simon.

"Need some assistance?" He asked in his usual raspy voice.

"No" I replied coldly. He's been here what? 30 seconds and that's the response you give him?

"Actually we do." I gave a dirty look to Laura but she proceeded, "Simon could you take Adele home while I wait here for service?"

"Laura there's no way I'm leaving you out here alone." I said concerned.

"Daniels already on his way, he shouldn't be far. Don't worry I'll be fine!" Laura pushed me to the passenger side of Simons car. Before I could even protest I was sitting in his car. The scent that it gave off was amazing! It was so well kept which I found quite surprising. I looked over to see Simon smiling that same smile that made my knees go week earlier. Thank god I'm sitting.

"Where to?" He asked pulling out a gps. I refused to talk, in a way to prevent myself for falling for him. I put my directions into the gps and off we went.

I couldn't help but look at him. I studied his face and noticed more and more every time I looked at him.

"Like what you see?" He asked clearly amused.

"Don't get your hopes up" I scoffed.

"I don't get it" he muttered to himself.

"Don't get what?" I asked suddenly curious.

"What you have against me" he turned his head to see me.

"Well, can you blame me for being cautious of a man who spilt a drink on me and instantly saw it as a opportunity to make a move?" I said boldly.

"I wasn't making a move. I was nervous is all."

"Nervous? Why the fuck would you be nervous?" I suddenly found myself getting too comfortable.

"You're so beautiful. The nerves got the best of me." I was lost for words. He can't call me beautiful! This can't happen, nothing can happen!

I remained silent until we reached my house. As we approached the driveway, I turned my head to face Simon.

"Thanks" I said flatly and reached for the door handle.

"Adele" I felt him lightly take a hold of my right arm. God his touch. I turned to see him once more, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just don't know how to act around you. It's weird to be truthful"

I didn't know what to do time froze. "Simon I..." I started but instantly felt his lips crashing onto mine. Holy shit his lips. I froze, I didn't know what to do. I hesitantly pulled away and got out the car. Don't Adele nothing can happen. He's just the same.

"Adele..." He shouted after me. I swung round.

"No, Simon. That never happened okay? Please don't mention it to anyone" I swung back around and entered the house. My back crashed upon the door. Holy shit that really happened. That can't happen. Why didn't you stop him?! I can't be hurt again. I'm not sure my heart can take it.

I had to come up with something. Something that will be completely off-putting. I lay in bed all night thinking about what I could do. I had to be a bitch. Act completely uninterested and unphased by what he does. Images of the kiss kept coming to mind. I can safely say that was one of my most restless nights.

A/N Yeah I don't think I like this chapter either. But I had an idea and thought I'd put it down anyway. I can always edit it right? Anyways have you seen the sml (tynl) music video?

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