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The incident containing my dad and Macy has got me stressed out.

The ride back home, Simon seemed a little uncomfortable. He's unusually silent.

"Simon?" No reply.

He was agitated and his hand was a little twitchy on the gear stick.

I put my hand over his and he turned to see me. He wasn't himself.

"Simon what's wrong?" I was starting to get worried.

Simons POV

Just before adele and I left the restaurant, her dad grabbed my arm and mumbled something into my ear. It wasn't clear enough to hear, but it sounded like a threat.

I couldn't tell her, I can't get her worked up. But I can't help but think about the whole marriage thing. He's right. I need to permanently make her mine. We are both just not ready for that type of commitment.

Adele keeps saying a baby is a big enough commitment, but I love her.

I turn my head to see adele face to face. Shes glowing, it's not just the pregnancy, she's just so amazing.

I smiled at her and I saw a huge wave of relief spread across her face.

Adeles POV

We arrived at the house and simon parked the car. As I was about to get out, Simon grabbed my arm and sealed our lips together. I was rather confused at first but I wasn't going to complain.

I pulled away from him with a questioning look on my face.

"I love you so much adele. You know that right?" Okay I was seriously worried now.

"Of course I do simon. Why do you need to question that?" I said slightly insulted.

"Well... no its nothing it doesn't matter. As long as you know I really do" he pulled me in for another kiss but I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him away gently. I let out a laugh and got out the car.

We walked into the house and I wanted nothing more than to sleep. That's precisely what I did.


I woke up in simons arms and instantly smiled. I looked over at the clock and it was 7pm.

"Nice nap?" he said almost instantly. I looked up at him with the brightest smile.

"Yeah, just what I needed" I said getting closer to his face.

Our lips connected once again. As if we were longing for the kiss.

Just as things were getting heated his phone went.

I dreaded looking at the caller ID, I knew who it was.

"Simon, she's constantly calling! Always interrupting our moments! I've told you to block her number" I was fed up with simon getting phone calls from Macy.

"Baby, calm down." He said pulling me in for a hug.

I instantly parted from him grabbing his phone.

"Let me answer it" I said clearly pissed off.

"Adele, I don't think that's the be-" I never allowed him to finish his argument.

I answered the phone and could already feel her smirk.

"So you finally decided to answer? What? Does she not quite meet your standards?" I was mentally slapping her.

"Listen. Stop phoning simon. He wants nothing to do with you." I was trying to sound mature and as calm as I could.

"Well, he can't do much with you. You're carrying a child. Someone has to forsee his needs" Oh you bitch.

"Just stop phoning this number" I said agitated and hung up. I threw the phone down on the bed beside simon as he got up to comfort me.

He walked over to me and grabbed my waist. I quickly pushed him away.

"Don't simon. Why do you allow her to do that?" I said backing away from him.

"Adele, baby, I can't do much" he said trying to sound understanding.

"Block her number! You have a family simon! We don't need her intruding!"

"Adele, I know this is just the hormones talking bu-" Oh fuck no!

I walked up to a cupboard and took out a spare blanket.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He asked letting out a sigh.

I grabbed his pillow from his side of the bed and threw the items into his arms.

"If my hormones annoy you so much, you can sleep on the couch" I said coldly.

He stood there for a second and never even put up the fight I was expecting.

He just needs to understand where I'm coming from...

A/N Another chapter! This one is a little longer even if it doesn't seem like it. 736 words guys! Hope you enjoy, thought I should add a little more conflict so it doesn't get boring x

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