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I pulled him upstairs instantly. He knew what I was aiming for. Everything got heated pretty fast. Clothes went flying, the neighbours probably weren't too happy either,

I can safely say that was the best night of my life...


I woke up to a note where Simon had been. 'Morning gorgeous. I had to go to work but I'm getting off early. See you around 3 x' he's so sweet.

I walked downstairs to make breakfast. I made toast and tea, my appetite wasn't really big. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. After taking a bite of my toast I had the sudden urge to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom where I went with the urge and threw up.

"No, no, no! Shit, shit, shit!" I cursed out loud pacing my bathroom.

"The first time you sleep with him and you're fucking pregnant! You're such and idiot!" I couldn't believe what was happening! I needed to be sure before I mentioned anything to Simon. Shit what if he runs out?! I've only just got him and he's gonna be gone again! There was one person I could call who I knew wouldn't be judgemental about the situation. Laura!

"Hey Adele what's up?!" She answered.

"Laura I'm in a very serious situation right now!"

"Shit who died?"

"Laura I'm serious!" I answered scared.

"Okay, okay! What's happened?!" She could sense my nervousness through the phone.

"I need you to come over. And could you pick up a pregnancy test? Thanks!" There was nothing more I wanted than to just hang up the phone instead of being interrogated but before I could...

"Adele! Are you kidding me right now?" She asked.

"Laura, I wish I were. But no! God I'm such an idiot!"

"Wow, hey now! You're not an idiot! Everyone makes mistakes"

"Laura, no one accidentally creates a life! This is something that should be planned between a married couple!"

"There are so many people in the world who have accidentally became pregnant Adele!"

"I never thought I would've been one of them though Laura!" I was starting to tear up.

"Stop crying and open the door" I ran to the front door and swung it open. There, Laura stood holding a bag with, what I presumed was the test.

I took the test to the bathroom, done everything according to the instructions and all I could do now was wait for the result. Then, there it was, just as I suspected.

"Adele would you sit down? Why are you so worried?" I can't believe this. I was pacing around once again as Laura sat on the couch flicking through the channels.

"Are you serious Laura! I've just made a living being with someone I met what? Like, 4 days ago?!"

"Okay, okay. But I doubt this is going to change anything Adele. Everything happens for a reason"

"What if he leaves me Laura?" That's when I broke. I fell to my knees in a wave of sobs.

"He won't babe! And if he does he's fucking over" Laura guided me up to my bedroom and stayed with me until I fell asleep.

When I woke up Simon was sitting on the bed watching me with a smile.

"Hey beautiful" he leaned over and kissed me.

"Simon, hey! I really need to tell you something" now or never Adele, now or never.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me as I sat up.

"It is now, it's later I'm worried about" I mumbled quietly.

I took his hand and looked into his eyes.

"Simon, last night was amazing! And I wouldn't have traded it for anything, but something has happened" he looked so worried which melted my heart.

"Whatever it is we can fix it" if only you could.

"Simon, I doubt you can fix me being pregnant." I grasped his hand tighter and lowered my gaze.

"Are you serious?" I couldn't bare to look at him. I was expecting him to get up and leave any minute now. "Hey..." He took his index finger and thumb and gently lifted my chin. "You're pregnant?" I let out a tear as he got up off the bed...

A/N school in a couple of hours, fun! Anyway didn't want to leave this un-updated so I tried. I don't want to seem like this is being too rushed. I feel like a lot of stories are just skipping big chunks of information which I really don't want mine to do. It's like, they're not together, they're together then boom! She's pregnant. I'm trying to slow down the story a little bit is basically what I'm getting at. And also I'm not comfortable writing about the sex shit and that either so, I'm sorry if that but seemed a little rushed too. But yeah, back at school so I don't think I'll be updating much. But a few weeks until summer so... This authors note is really long, shit! Anywho... Hope you enjoy this chapter x

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