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I woke up staring blankly at the ceiling. That kiss has a hold on me. Why did it feel so right?

I got up, showered and got ready. I decided to go shopping. I hopped into my Mini Cooper and shortly after arrived at the mall. I had just walked into the shops as my phone started to ring. Hmm... An unknown number?

"Hello?" I answered sweetly.

"Adele, could I please meet up with you today?" They didn't have to say another word. I instantly knew who it was. Simon.

"What? No" I suddenly turned bitter remembering my plan.

"Adele please I just want to apologise" I let out a forced laugh.

"Yeah, right. Look I'm out. Stop bothering me" I was about to hang up.

"Where are you?" God can't he take a hint?

"I don't see how that's any of your business" I answered harshly.

"Adele, turn around" I was already hating myself for going out. I should've just been lazy.

I turned around to find Simon looking at me head to toe. Remember Adele, bitchy and cold.

I walked past him brushing his shoulder which caused him to take a step back.

"The silent treatment really? Adele I just want to apologise"

"Simon I really don't need to be seen talking to people such as you" I instantly regretted saying that. I could see the hurt in his eyes. Wow way to go you bitch.

"Huh, okay then" I opened my mouth to say something but instantly closed it. It was for the best.

I walked away biting my bottom lip. I actually felt bad. Why is it bothering me that he's hurt? Why is he hurt?

I left the mall just wanting to lay in bed and eat. I sat in my car for a minute before calling Laura.

"Laura come over to mine, I'm bored" I said truthfully.

"Well, I've got a reading until 6. Maybe after?"

"Sure" I answered disappointed.

I put the car in reverse and instantly felt a tyre pop. What is it with me and cars?! I sat and watched all the cars leave the car park and heard a knock on the passenger window. I turned round to look at soft blue eyes and was suddenly embarrassed. I rolled down the window and sighed.

"Need help again?" Simon said letting out one of his breathy laughs.

"Nope everything's handled" should I really be being a bitch right now? I do need help.

"Come one Adele you and me both know you're not like that" I lowered my gaze.

"Fine, yes I do need help" he smiled politely back at me.

"Come on"

I followed him to his car, and there I sat in the same place I did the night he kissed me. God how I regret pulling away.

"Adele, I really am sorry" I turned to see him as he continued, "I don't know what came over me I..." I put my hand over his and smiled.

"Simon, it's fine, we both acted appallingly that night, some more than other" I said recalling to the bitchiness.

The ride to my house from the mall is usually short but it seemed to drag on.

"So what do you do?" I found myself asking him. It won't hurt to ask some friendly questions would it?

Conversation started to flow and I found out more about Simon and him me. He is honestly a lovely man. But I honestly can't get trailed into anything again. I saw him sigh as we pulled up to my driveway.

"Well here we are" he said unenthusiastically.

"Thank you very much Simon." I gave him a sympathetic smile and closed the door. As I was about to walk away I heard him shout my name. God the way he says it.

"Adele..." I twirl myself round to see the car and smile

"What about dinner tomorrow night? As friends of course. It's the least I can do I mean..." I quickly cut him off.

"That sounds lovely Simon, let's say seven?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows. He let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

"I'll see you then" I said while giggling.

"Goodnight Delly" and with that he drove off. Wait did he just give me a nickname? Why has he got to be so perfect?

I ran inside already panicking about tomorrow. Why the fuck did I agree to this? I'm supposed to be staying away from him. But he did say as friends right?

A/N I was really bored and I decided to update. Well I've got 50 reads, that's an accomplishment right? Well thank you. I find this a lot more fun than just updating someone else's fanfiction. I get to let out my creativity x

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