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"Thank you" I whispered with a hint of silence. I pulled away with a hint of shyness and went to make my cup of tea. Simon parted and walked back upstairs. Do I love him? No, of course I don't.


I woke up at 5am and started making breakfast. By the time Simon woke it was 6 and he walked downstairs in last nights clothes. He gave me a smile, I could get used to this. He clears his throat, no, what? No Adele stop!

I gave Simon some pancakes and sat across the table from him. Even the way he eats, God. Simon placed his cutlery down and looked at me for a brief second.

"Thank you so much for breakfast and letting me stay Adele, but I best be going to work" please don't go. I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, yeah of course." I leaded him to the door.

"I'll see you later?" He asked with a smirk.

"What time do you get off?" I asked him with a slight laugh.

"6" he responded staring at me eagerly.

"Come over at 7" I smiled and to which he grew closer to me. Again? Please?! He came up to me, took me by the waist and kissed me. It was a kind of rushed kiss, but I still felt sparks flying.

"See you then" and with that he was gone.

I rushed to my phone and phoned Laura.

"Hello?" She answered. How am I supposed to tell her I'm falling in love with Simon?

"Laura, you were right" I answered shyly.

"You're going to have to specify Adele, I'm right about a lot of things" she let out a laugh.

"You were right about Simon" I answered now with a serious tone.

"What?! I'm coming over!" After that she hung up. Shit, why did she have to be right?

A/N so this chapters short but I really wanted to write again. I accidentally published this chapter unfinished about 2 minutes ago... Whoops! But here's the finished chapter, enjoy x

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