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Laura was due to come any minute so I sat on the couch, impatiently waiting. The door bell finally rang and I almost took the door off its hinges the way I opened it. I grabbed Laura's arm and pulled her upstairs.

"Wow, Adele, slow down. What's going on?" Oh shit I haven't told her yet. I sat her down on the bed knowing how she'd react. I stared at her intensely causing anticipation.

"I'm going out with a guy Laura." I said casually. Laura threw her arms round me while screaming.

"Oh my god!" She took me by the shoulders. I could see the questions being held back.

"Firstly, it's not a date," I started, knowing what she's going to ask, "it's tomorrow at 7. you do know them yes. He's picking me up. We're going out for dinner" I avoided saying who with.

"As usual you answered all my questions" she stated while I started laughing, "except one" I knew exactly what she was going to ask, and it was what I purposely left out.

"Who with Adele?" I stared at her blankly for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath. I knew she'd ask me about my feelings.

"It's Simon" she gasped and pulled me back into a hug.

"Adele, do you feel anything towards Simon?" I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows. I mean, of course I don't, do I?

"What? No Laura, nothing" I said walking to my closet.

"Then why does it matter what you look like. And why'd you get so excited over it?" She said smirking.

"Paparazzi, and it's just something for me to get dressed up for" I say closing the conversation.

Laura helped me pick out what to wear. I decided upon a green floral dress and of course my sunglasses. We sat and talked for a while. I tried to avoid bringing Simon up in conversation. Laura left after about 2 hours and then I just slept.


I woke up at 10, wow I've slept late. I decided to go out to the shops just to waste some time. Never really bought anything other than milk, bread and the usual household items. I got back at 12 and sat and watched a movie. It was safe to say my day so far was pretty uneventful.

Soon 5:00 came and I decided to start getting ready. I jumped in the shower washed my hair. Dried it, put on my makeup and got dressed. I was very impressed with the way I looked. I'm not at all a self absorbed person, but I'm doing something right tonight.

The clock came to 6:45 and I waited on the couch. I heard a car pull up in my driveway and a smile creeped onto my face. The doorbell was rang and I waited a good minute before opening it. Alright Adele, you don't want to seem desperate.

I opened the door to find Simon standing there with the brightest smile ever. I don't know why but it cause me to let out a laugh.

"What's so funny" he asked confused.

"Oh, what? Nothing" I said walking past him, patting his shoulder while I did so.

There I was in his car once again. We arrived at Nobu and we're taken to our table. After we ordered we sat there in silence.

"You look great" Simon said breaking the silence between us. I must have blushed a little because Simon let out what now seemed to be his signature breathy laugh.

"Well, thanks, you do too" I said causing him to smile. It's not a date Adele.

Our food arrived and we ate sharing a few embarrassing stories here and there. The rain suddenly come crashing down. We decided to leave before it got any worse. Nobu was quite a distance away from my house which allowed thunder and lightning to start. Shit.

We arrived at my house about 20 minutes later and the weather turned me into the sweet, caring and considerate person I try not to show Simon.

"Well, goodbye Adele" he said as we stood at my doorway. He turned around to leave as the thunder roared. Adele don't you dare.

"Simon there's no way I'm letting you drive home in this weather" I said sternly. Shut up Adele!

"Adele I'm fine really, I'll talk to you later." He started walking away.

"Simon konecki, take this as a warning" he turned around to see me with a sly smirk on his face. Fuck sake, you couldn't have let a tree fall on him?

Simon and I went into my house and I showed him to the guest room. He looked amazed by the size of the house, considering I live alone. I'm used the the expression.

"Don't get any ideas and definitely don't get used to this" I said referring to my kind acts. He smiled and I left the room to go to my own. I can't sleep knowing Simons in the next room.

A/N this chapter is a bit longer. The ----- is showing that it's a new day just incase anyone was confused. I'm honestly loving writing this. Let me know what you think x

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