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After the situation at the shop, Simon phoned Macy to set a date to meet up. I wasn't happy about it but I trust simon.

I listened to simon as he dialed her number.

"Hello Macy?" I leaned my back against my bedroom door where he was talking to her, "yeah, it's simon" I could practically feel the smirk on her face, "No, Macy, look I'm only phoning so we can talk things out and make things clearer for you" about a minute later, I could hear simon walk towards the door so I quickly ran downstairs into the kitchen.

"Adele, I know you were listening" he said with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So what if I was?" I answered back.

"We are meeting up this afternoon at 1" I looked to the clock and it was 12 and I turned back round to look at him.

"Please be careful" I pleaded to him

"Adele, you can trust me" he said staring deeply into my eyes.

"I know I can but I told you, I can't trust her." Simon leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head and felt the presence of his lips on my cheek.

He looked at me with sad eyes and walked upstairs to get ready. Come on adele, stop acting so jealous. It's her you're mad at.

Simons POV

After getting ready, I went to meet up with Macy. I have to admit, I was a little nervous about it. She was what I thought the love of my life. I even went as far as proposing to her. But I could never tell adele that. She'd be furious at the fact I've met up with my ex fiancé.

I walked into the quaint cafe and scanned the place until I found Macy sitting with a bright smile. God this couldn't go any faster.

I approached her with an emotionless face.

"Simon hi!" She stood up and hugged me. I pulled her off of me and stared at her blankly.

"Let's just get this started."

"Simon I don't understand what's changed. You used to love me, you used to do anything for me"

"Can we please put emphases on the used to? Macy I don't love you anymore nor will I ever again. You left me, you rejected me" i said letting out a sigh.

"Simon you can't seriously say you don't love me anymore. Not after everything we've been through" She stared at me apologetically, "are you really going to throw all that away for some bitch?"

Adeles POV

After simon left, I phoned laura and asked her if she wanted to go out for a bit. She kindly accepted and we met out side of a nice, quiet cafe.

We walked in and there i saw simon and Macy.

Simon looked fed up and Macy looked a little too determined for my liking.

I pulled laura into the booth behind them quickly without them realising. I sat and eavesdropped.

There conversation seemed endless. It was basically just Macy talking, calling me pathetic names.

I positioned myself so I could see them.

I saw Macy getting closer and closer to simon.

Simons POV

"Simon, let me show you that love can't be forgotten" She was suddenly leaning in.

"Macy, stop it. I'm with adele. I love her" She just continued and before I could protest anymore her lips were on mine.

I found myself unable to move. All of a sudden I could hear familiar shouting.

Adeles POV

Did I see that correctly?!

"Simon what the fuck?!"

A/N sort of cliffhanger? Hope you enjoy. I would have updated over the weekend but I was surprisingly busy x

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