Dear Past-me,

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But lookie here past-me! Ya, I'm talking to you, you Wattpad reader. You. You are me in this story, and before you start, I, your future-self, am about to warn you of what this story really entails for our destiny.

This isn't a love story.

Well, I mean it is, but not a happy one.

Usually stories about friends who grow close and fall in love start off great. These stories have tons of angst, and then conclude with a bubbly, stomach-fuzzing, heart fluttering ending. Oh, you know what I mean, that whole, Character 1 falls for the Character 2, but Character 2 doesn't love them back until one beautiful, sunny, heart-warming day where Character 2 realizes they've fucked up and love the shit outta Character 1.

Sureeee, that's relatable for everyone!...if you didn't notice, that was sarcasm...

In reality, this is where all that shit falls south. Like, super south, down to "the middle between my asshole and heavenly gate" kind of south. In most of these books, movies, TV series, even fucking car commercials--Character 2 always ends up loving Character 1 back. The two always get their happily ever after in the media we see today.

Nah, bitch! That isn't reality! That isn't real! Shit never goes down that way unless you're some woman or man that has life always on his/her side! That's not the case with you, my past-self. We're a mess. You're fine now, but you will be a mess soon.

Let me explain this black hole of a story to you in a way in which you'll understand...remember the whole Character 1, Character 2 bullshit? Okay, great, you're Character 1. Park Jimin, well, that adorable ray of sunshine is Character 2.

The difference with our story is, Character 2 doesn't love Character 1. His heart is with his beautiful, sweet, and caring ex-girlfriend. She's not stereotypically evil or bitchy or rude. She's an angel, which sucks for you.

It's a one-sided love that'll cause your heart to fucking shatter. Okay...I'm exaggerating, that's scientifically impossible unless someone Edward-Scissor-hands your fucking chest, but you know what I mean!

Good luck to you, Your future-self warns you now. Leave and save yourself from the heartbreak of reading further.

This is not a love story.

Ay, but as your future-self, I'll allow you to see on conversation you have with the boy you love!

"Still in denial?" You asked softly.

"About what?"

"Missing her," you piped quietly, heart knotting as you spoke.

He sighed, his face almost buried into the book before him.

"It's okay that you do..."

He eyed you carefully, "What are you? My tutor or my shrink?"

You licked your lips a bit, the pencil in your hand lamely moving between the hold of your soft fingertips.

"Whatever you need," you whispered out.


A/N: The first official chapter will be up soon!

Oh, and if anyone is a One Tree Hill fan, yes, that dialogue is from the show. And the name of this book is inspired by what one of the character's used to call his tutor. *whispers* naley ftw. But anywhooo! I hope you like this book! I've kept this in my drafts for a month now and am finally putting it out there yay! Enjoy and stay tuned!

His Tutor GirlWhere stories live. Discover now