Thank you.

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Hello... *nervous laughter*

I don't know if I should've waited until a week or something to say all this but I wanted to come out and tell you all thank you. Thank you for reading, and for all the support! It was a fun and emotional journey writing this but I didn't regret any moment of it. about the ending. *nervous laughing off a fucking cliff* I know many fan fictions on here, and just stories in general have the mains get together in the end. It's always a happy ending and love works how it's "supposed to work". I love those fan fictions. They make me lose myself from reality and believe that it happens in real life. (Reasons why I wrote "The Bad Blind Date") I'm proud of writing that book, although I make jokes about it and roast my own self aha. But at the end, I wanted to write another fanfic where it contradicted TBBD. I wanted the ending to symbolize how sometimes shit doesn't go "fairytale like" ; aka the prologue.

Although some of the events that happened in the book were at an extreme, and were exaggerated, in the end, I still wanted to make a fic about confusion, and indecisiveness and how sometimes the "crush you like will not like you back" , or "the one you love might not know you exist" or, "sometimes you're too late". Sometimes you're too late — aka Jimin's ending in this.

I'm sorry if I upset you with the ending, and I'm happy if you absolutely loved it. I just wanted you all to know that I'm proud of the ending, and I'm proud of writing something I believe. Many of the thoughts in this book are concepts I believe in and I thank you for reading my bullshit.

I saw this, and I mean it. Whatever black hole you're in. Whatever problem you're trying to get past, I know you've got all the power in you to do so.

Whether it be LOVE, or something else...

"You are your own soulmate."
                         - Rupi Kaur

Love yourself, grow, experience new things, but also don't fuck around (lmao). Thank you for all the support babes...and please, all of you can call me Ravs. It's cute how some of you think it's like some secret name used only between people who suck me off or something — okay I need to chill and be professional 😂

Thank you.

Now, I'm going to go and crawl into a hole because this entire thing is embarrassing. Plus, I still feel so cringe from the last time I updated drunk through my phone. PS. I found my bra...I can't tell you who's house I found it in but fuck that was the end of my life.

*jumps off cliff successfully*

Bye! Love cucumbers — especially mine 😏 — and eat nachos!


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