Chapter 20: Soulmates

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I remember when my mom used to tease me about crushes in kindergarten.

I used to let girls borrow my pencils and make sure they'd keep them. I felt like a piece of me went towards making them happy for just a moment. Just a moment...even if it was just them scribbling about an a lined piece of paper.

I remember by mom used to scold me when I got older, the way I used girls to my advantage and simply slept and ditched every one.

I didn't care to make them smile anymore. I thought of it as "not my duty" or "not my problem".

Now my mom doesn't say anything to me. I'm in college and recovering my actions.

I wanna go back to being the boy that would smile when the girl he liked would be happy. Whether it be giving her a pencil to doodle with, or letting her fall in love with another man.

I've grown up but want that childish mindset back...I want to love a girl and make sacrifices.

I, Urie, made one to see you smile and tell the boy you loved your feelings...but you fucked it up and tossed that sacrifice away.


Urie's eyes moved away from your shocked form. Mind wandering when trying to recognize all that had happened.

Urie watched slowly, looking over at every face in the technician's room. His eyes went to Zia who stood next to him. Her face broken.

She had just seen the man of her dreams tell another woman he loved her. Urie could only imagine how harsh and earth-shattering that must be.

Wishing to have a pencil to give to her, he drew a blank. He always did when girls cried. Little 7 year old Urie didn't know what to do with crying girls, so what makes one think grown Urie knew?

Lightly tapping at an oblivious Jackson who stood next to him, Urie ushered the man to take Zia away.

Jackson listened. He listened immediately when Urie glared over at him to remain quiet and follow protocol.

Watching them leave, he stood there, frozen and not knowing how to handle the situation before him. But he had to know. The other three before him were blank, shocked, and in their own minds. All were hurt for different reasons...

Zia loves Vinaye, Vinaye loves Y/N, Y/N loves Jimin, and Jimin loves his ex chick...

Urie's jaw clenched at the mess.

Where do I fall?

His eyes were soft. He didn't want to be in the same spot where Vinaye was. He didn't want to be in love with a woman that wouldn't love him back. I don't wanna be someone's second choice.

Urie watched. Body tense as you ran out from the room, shaking past him as you rushed down the stairs. He wanted to run after you but didn't. Instead, his cold eyes looked over at Jimin, nudging his head over in the direction of the stairs.

I'm not letting myself get played, he thought internally, jaw clenching as he urged Jimin to rush after you again, Y/N said herself...what happens in her life has never been my problem. It's never my business. His head and heart hurt to think that but he stubbornly stuck to it.

Jimin rushed after you, leaving a silent Vinaye in his spot.

Urie slowly walked towards the man he called his best friend.

"It'll be okay," Urie said lightly, eyes soft once again when noticing the slight tears at Vinaye's cheeks.

Urie felt his eyes sting. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

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