Chapter 17: I hurt her...

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Not even a glance was given Jimin's way.

The week finished and he wasn't able to find you in the halls, nor the classrooms he'd await for you at. Every session he signed into, the organizer would inform him you took a week's leave. You were gone and it was his fault. It's my fault.

Sure, screwing around in a car with the woman you love was amazing. It was exhilarating, fun, heart wrenching, and perfect. However, picking that over going to fulfill a promise he made with a kind-hearted woman...a friend and her sick grandmother? That was beyond the idolization of "perfect". None of that night was perfect because of the breaking of the promise Jimin had held. He broke two hearts that night, his and yours.

His was broken because of two things. One, he was now more confused over Nari and where they stood; the overall looming of regret and old feelings kindling after that burdening night. Two, he was broken over losing a friendship that night. Your friendship.

...and well, your heart was broken because a friend let you down, tore you off of his priority list quicker than his arousal could sky-rocket for Nari. Plus, in Jimin's eyes, if Urie was right about you being in love with him, Jimin just pulled the biggest mistake of his life.

I'm sorry Y/N.

Slowly slipping his letter through the cracks of your locker. He knew that was the only way he'd be able to reach you. Since he didn't see you the past week, he knew the ignoring of his calls and texts was simply going to continue. Sighing, he tapped the cold metal of the closed locker a little before moving his duffel bag onto his shoulder.

Wishing for you to see it, he striding away in boots, ready to meet up with the Beztirs. It was time for the whole school's assembly with the dancer class performing and he was required to stay away from classes to prepare.

Three important events this week:

One, this. Don't screw it up Jimin.

Two, the school dance. Already screwed that up for yourself Jimin...

And finally, the national meet and competitions for the dance crew individually. For this, I can't let Vinaye down. The group accepted me in and I have to be willing to prioritize well so I can make the showcase.

Moving into the dance class to meet his peers, everyone was crowding around and nervous.

Jimin smiled a little over at Jay as he stood closely by the members. His eyes met Urie for a moment and was shocked to see the boy politely nod in his direction as a greeting. If only he knew how royally I screwed over Y/N...

"Today is your big day," Vinaye chimed in front, greeting everyone in his class with a huge smile.

"...let's kill it," Jimin mumbled to himself, trying his hardest to focus on the task at hand and not the two women in his life at the moment.


"Let's kill it!" Gabbie chimed, yelling dramatically as she snatched the letter from your hands and shoved it into your locker again, "water or fire? Choose your weapon of destruction."

You sighed, rolling your eyes before picking up the apology letter back into your hands. "I'm not going to read it," you piped, moving it towards the trash can and recycling bins by the end of the empty hallway.

Aiyanna's brows jumped a little at that as she looked over at Gabbie who grinned proudly.

"So you're finally growing a backbone?" the woman teased, laughing out loud.

Aiyanna and you both glared over at her which made her shut up, almost spitting in surprise at the fact that no one laughed at her joke.

"I'm done with wasteful apologies when all he's going to do is repeat the same mistakes," you said through clenched teeth, having enough of the continuing anger that pulsed through you every moment of every day now. I'm surprised my blood pressure levels are moderate still.

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