Chapter 4: Stole Two of My Girls

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A/N: The picture will make sense for later on :) {The Kinjaz are my inspiration for the Beztir/you'll understand that name later aha}


Your eye twitched insanely. Looking over at the three of your friends standing in front of Jimin and you, you were just beyond glad everyone was out and away from the four walls of your bedroom.

The farther away from the underwear we all get, the better, you grumbled, remembering how embarrassing it was for you to try and help Jimin get your laundry off his face. It was uncomfortable and weirdly violating for the both of you. None of the situation helped when Gabbie made a comment of, "at least now he knows how your pussy smells like." You had wished to kill her, and yourself, all in that very moment. It was hard to even look at Jimin who stood next to you in the open living room space.

"So, you two a thing?" Aiyana asked, eyes narrowing as she looked seriously between the Kpop idol and you.

You and Jimin glanced over at one another quick. Jimin shook his head, unable to speak, while you instantly clarified with your voice. "Oh no, no," you laughed nervously, "we're just friends...I'm his tutor."

"Teaching him biology?" Gabbie asked grinning, not believing what her Nigerian eyes had witnessed a moment ago. She felt the sudden urge to burst with laughter all over again.


"Looked more like chemistry to me," Aiyana said under her breath, trying not to smile as she pursed her lips.

Your eyes narrowed at the cheesy comebacks erupted from the female's before you.

Looking over at Vinaye who seemed amused too, you glared at him. He winked over at you, nodding before coming to the rescue.

"Hi," Vinaye said in English while smiling, chuckling as he extended his hand over to Jimin who was just as red as you, "I'm-"

"Vinaye Khan," Jimin said softly, meeting the man's hand. He nodded, finally allowing himself to smile a little, "you're the dance teacher at the school."

Vinaye grinned charmingly, Korean flowing out of him in an instant, "ah, well I'm a student. Since I'm fourth year and already am aspiring to be a permanent choreographer, they're giving me a shot this year."

Jimin's lips parted in awe while hearing the man speak. It was one thing to get used to Gabbie speaking Korean, but then Vinaye popped up with fluent speech. It was refreshing and cool. "You speak Korean well," Jimin complimented, smiling sweetly at the man whose hand he still seemed to be shaking.

Vinaye glanced down at the hand in his, pursing his lips from smiling before nudging his head for you to see. You did, and you felt embarrassed for Jimin. Grabbing at Jimin's arm, you laughed nervously before bringing it down, snatching Jimin's hold on Vinaye in a quick push of his elbow.

Jimin straightened up, still awkward as he apologized and bowed.

Vinaye chuckled. "Don't worry," he reassured, brows furrowing over why the boy was treating him like he was some 40-year-old professor.

"What made you want to study in Korea?" Jimin asked suddenly, growing curious. He noticed you pulled nonchalantly at his arm in attempts to get him away from your friends, but Jimin stood still for a moment.

Vinaye glanced awkwardly over at Gabbie and Aiyana who seemed to grow quieter than they already were. He smiling lightly before nodding over at Jimin and answering his question, "I've got family here."

Jimin didn't understand the sudden heavy atmosphere in the room. Before he could question it out loud, you panicked when moved your hand from his elbow to his hand. Lacing your fingers through his, you tugged at his form to follow you away.

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