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A/N: and this below is how i picture Vinaye. Ye ye bye lol.

 Ye ye bye lol

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Gabbie looked away from the essay of hers you edited. Glancing at you practically throwing books into your locker, she nervously smiled.

"Chill out ye? The locker didn't do anything to you," she piped, laughing when noticing you were clearly still agitated.

"I'm fine," you snapped out, throwing your books in as you roughly grabbed the ones you needed for the day.

"No you aren't," Gabie sighed, knowing all that was happening in your life, "you like Jimin and he doesn't like you back. You're a mess, just admit that to yourself for a change."

"I'm not a mess," you denied, not wanting to ever admit defeat for yourself. You weren't the type to be "down" or outcasted. I'm fine. I'm completely fine.

"He's still in love with his ex huh?" Gabbie slowly let out, leaning against the side locker in hopes to avoid your fists if you ever decided to hit over her direction. She wanted answers, but at the same time, she didn't want to be going home with a black eye.

"Yes, and she loves him still," you sighed, remembering what you heard the night you went over to help Jimin with the dance.

That was the same night you had lied to Jimin, texting him "I won't be able to come tonight, rain check?" and pretending you hadn't travelled all the way over in the first place. You had slipped out of the building and rushed home, not wanting to talk to anyone, eat, sleep...all you wanted was to punch in a wall that night and Aiyanna and Gabbie talking to you about the situation hadn't helped either.

"Why break up with him then?" Gabbie asked, not understanding the confusing duo.

You shrugged, slamming your locker shut. Gabbie jumped aware when you did, standing straight.

"I don't know," you piped, cheeks growing red, "all I know is that there is more to their story and history that I'm unaware of. I want to know...but at the same time, I'm scared to know."

"You're scared of her reasons," Gabbie said gently, smiling lightly at you.

She knew this was hard for you. Gabbie knew you were falling for this boy, this idol that was oblivious to all of his unintentional hurt.

"Yes," you admitted, looking away for a moment.

I'm scared of the both of them together...

"I'm sorry Y/N," Gabbie said lightly, small smile grazing her lips, "but you can't avoid him forever."

"I can try."

"Well try harder," Gabbie sighed, rolling her eyes when seeing an awkward Jimin slowly turn the corner to have his eyes fall on your back.

Your brows furrowed a little, confused over what that meant. When about to ask your friend, you stopped immediately when a low and gentle voice spoke behind you.

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