[SPECIAL] Chapter 18: This Isn't What It Looks Like

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A/N: Since the last few chapters have been pissing you guys off lately *nervous laughter* I've gotten high on coffee, pizza, and bubble tea and now bring you this idiotic chapter (just to lighten things up a little). Enjoy!


You groaned, kicking away at Gabbie who tried to pull you off the bed and into the shower.

"Gabbie! Let me nap!"

"Sleep when it's time to sleep," Gabbie chimed, unamused at your hurting and angry form still so electric, "for right now, we've got to have you try on dresses. The dance is tomorrow and you're coming with me whether or not you like it or not."

You groaned again. Head going straight into your pillow, you wanted to scream loudly into the soft cushion, frustrations and worries consuming you.

"Gabbie!" you yelled muffled into the pillow.

"Don't yell," Gabbie laughed out, starting to tug at your leg to have you scout away from the fabrics of your blanket, "the least you can do is try the stuff I bought for you on."

"There's a reason I didn't come with you to buy them in the first place y'know?" you piped sarcastic, completely done with everyone closest to you. You just wanted to crawl up and sleep. Maybe eat alone, or scroll through websites on your laptop. All in all, you wanted to be alone. And none of your caring friends were helping the situation...you tried not to let their sweet efforts get to you however. Can't I just be successfully mad and upset for a little?

"I know you think you're not coming to the dance," Gabbie began, a small grin slowly and evilly peeling onto her lips, "but you're coming. nothing. more. to. it. Understand?"

You swallowed the little lump in your throat at that. Confused over the sudden quietness that erupted out of you, it intrigued you how you were usually the one to pull out threats, but here, right now, your friend was doing it back to you. It feels weird to have the shorter end of the stick.

"Fine," you mumbled, sitting up onto the bed.

Gabbie smiled hugely, sighing in relief when you swore under your breath and grumpily got up from the bed.

"Great!" she chimed, clapping at her hands in excitement before moving to grab hold of your arm, "let's go shower."

"Together?" you asked, brows jumping.

"No," Gabbie sang out, laughing. Then she froze, turning to face you with a seductive gaze, "well if you'd wann-"

You rolled your eyes. "Go," you'd mumble, tried of her playing around before chuckling a little yourself.

Gabbie snorted, laughing before bringing you towards her room where the dresses were already set up and ready on the edge of the bed.

Your brows furrowed for a moment though, trying to stop Gabbie from dragging you to the bathroom. But the woman was too strong to handle. Sighing, you let her drag you until released and freed once you came at the threshold of the bathroom.

Your eyes met the other pairs of clothing next to the dresses. Your brows furrowed at the men's attire.

"Gabbie what's up with the suits?" you asked, genuinely curious as you stared back at your friend that tried to block your view.

"Oh," she piped, grinning cunningly, "those are for your date."

Your eyes were saucers instantly. "Huh?!" you shot out, feeling your stomach sink in sudden butterflies.

"Wait, what? I thought you were my date I-"

Being shushed, you tried to fight out answers and words but were cut off by the bathroom door being slammed in your face.

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