Chapter 26: Love Two People At Once?

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A/N: short chapter but aYe ! How have you all been today? Good? What's the weirdest thing that went down today lmao I'm curious.


Jimin looked over at the man he had tackled down the previous day. Feeling his guts clench and his heart drop unsettling down to his stomach, he sighed before looking over at his locker's insides.

He glanced to his right, brows furrowing a little when realizing there was something missing. Eyes maneuvering over the place where Gi used to usually be all days, in that moment, he realized her disappearance. I haven't seen her since the day of the dance...

The common phrase of "you don't really realize how important someone is to you until they've gone" strung highly with Jimin at the moment. First you, his mind on you and only you for days, then now Gi. The girl who had been a friend as well, hearing him out every time he were to vent or complain. And I didn't even care to check up on her after she disappeared...I didn't even notice?

Jimin's jaw clenched. Thinking back to all you used to say about him "being blinded by Nari" being reflected. He was blinded and had been this whole time. He neglecting those close to him and now felt like he was losing all of them.

...and now I'm starting to lose Nari again because I'm neglecting my problems with her all over again.

Jimin always ignored his problems, found distractions.

When facing the problem with Nari, sadly you were his distraction...

Y/N was my rebound, he finally admitted to himself mentally.

Glancing over at Urie collecting his duffel bag by the locker again, Jimin's eyes softened when turning to see the man's bruised cheek and jaw.

I did that, Jimin sighed internally, and I wasn't even held accountable for it.


Throwing punches, chests heaving and curse words being shot at each other, the one thing Urie kept repeating in different tones was, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

He was confused through it all, both the boys causing havoc before the building.

People who stormed into the building by passing by them ruffling out in the front, all security was eventually brought out while trying to separate the two.

Word broke out and people from the apartment were already starting to watch everything unfold. It wasn't a surprise when you rushed out in your PJs absolutely furious and concerned.

Both of Urie and Jimin were held apart, Jimin's nose bleeding while Urie's got cut up.

"WHAT THE FU..." you stared between both of them, "Jimin? When'd you—wha—"

Jimin side-glanced over at Urie, jaw hard and suddenly not angry any longer. More, just disappointed in himself for letting his anger reach such highs.

"Jimin came by to check up on you," Urie said through his teeth.

Jimin swallowed, waiting for him to spill the beans over his sudden attack on him, but Urie didn't...

"I saw him and got angry," Urie sighed out the next bit, "I'm sorry."

Your face fell, eyes moving over to Jimin before awkwardly meeting Urie.

"You attacked him?"

Your face fell in disappointment. Here you were all fluttery and actually smiling while sitting inside thinking about Urie, and this felt fooled all over again. Now, insanely confused over your feeling just when you thought you might have something figured out.

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