Chapter 14: She Isn't a Rebound

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A/N: That's how I imagine Urie- or as some of you think of as "Urine" lmao. *points at header*


It was a new week.

And yes. After the embarrassing morning when Jimin left you in the morning, cuddled up in nothing but warm blankets, you went back to just trying not to let your heart fall to pieces every time you saw him. Guess what you still did...after all the heartache, the hidden feelings that you struggled with, and the constant pressure from Urie's stares to move on, you still managed to sleep with Jimin three times right after.


"Why do this to yourself?" Urie would snap, eyes worried when seeing the affect and burdens you carried on you.

"Do what?" you'd ask oblivious.

He'd get pissed but would hide it, clearly just worried.


You'd smile, winking at him before walking away.

"I'm fine, I really am."


But you weren't fine.

Those times, after those three times, you didn't ask for Jimin to stay behind the night with you. You didn't want to feel shittier knowing you were letting yourself get used without even knowing it. I doubt Jimin means to make you feel this way, you'd think, constantly wanting to continue and adore the loveable Park Jimin, he's just struck on Nari and you're getting too attached. These two things got you out of a lot of "crunched-up" or "crying in ball formation" sort of nights.

You don't cry much however, never really have. But when you do it's never ending and ugly.

Which is why, here you were. A new week, staring blankly at the boy who had his arm wrapped around you over the blanket you wore. He was sound asleep, having crashed on the bed with you after you ugly-cried for the first time in months. He was surprised, sweet, and not wanting to push for the reason behind your tears. Oh did I mention he was surprised? Who wouldn't be when seeing a girl completely bust out crying the moment one walks into Grandma's guest room.

Who was this boy who stayed the whole night you ask?

You stared at the way his eyelashes looked full and thick as he slept peacefully.

"Vinaye?" you asked, lightly touching his chest over his sweater. You were surprised the wet patch your tears caused was lost and gone. You could've sworn you managed to disgustingly snort out snot onto his shirt accidentally as well but you didn't see anything at the moment.

His hand tightened around you, body moving closer to yours in sleep. You were used to it, he was your best friend so being close to him wasn't a big deal at all.

"Yo Khan!" you softly yelled, smiling a little when his one eye peeked open to meet your face.

"Morning," he said, smiling gently when seeing your red eyes back to normal now.

They were still puffy however.

"You should be happy my Nana didn't walk in and see this," you piped, smiling tiredly before moving away from him as you sat up on the bed.

He rolled onto his back, hand going behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. "She's been busy with Urie the whole night, she barely noticed I left."

"You make it sound like he's fucking her," you piped, trying not to laugh at how disgusting that very thought was.

"He may have," Vinaye chuckled, shrugging, "Urie's got no boundaries."

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