Chapter 22: Why Break Up With Him?

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A/N: ahh, well I was drunk the previous night so I apologize over that false update. That was so cringeworthy 😂 lmao but I hope you guys got a good laugh at my idiocy. Sorry if the update fooled any of you. I hope this makes up for it LMAO.


"So I heard the ex came to talk to you yesterday," Gabbie piped, eyes in awe as she stood behind you while trying to catch up with your fast legs that worked up the hallway.

You lingered by the corner for a moment, head tilted at the memory of Nari yesterday.


"Hi Y/N."

Your eyes went wide. The first thing coming to your mind being the way you looked, all while the stinge that rolled with you as you walked. Wanting to shrivel up in a hole, you refrained from doing so as you stood awkwardly.

"H...Hello," you piped back cutely, side glancing over at Jay who had a confused smirk plastered on his face.


"Spill everything," Aiyanna mumbled, wanting to know exactly where you had managed to go yesterday.

You hadn't been at home the entire evening. It was interesting for Gabbie and Aiyanna to come home to a confused Mae and Jay who confessed to have let you go out with Nari. First, it was weird. It was weird because all your groups of friends had been trying to get your moping-self off the couch for the longest visit from Nari and you freshened up and left with her? Where'd you go? What drove you to shower? How are you in school today? What exactly did the two of you talk about???

Aiyanna sighed internally. All this curiosity and you didn't kill it one bit. All the questions thrown your way since last night by your two roommates, you shrugged off. That alone made them want to have their heads explode.

"Nothing big happened," you said gently, murmuring as you walked on, "we just talked for a bit and then left to grab some real food..."

Gabbie and Aiyanna looked over at one another. Their eyes were narrowed, heads counting down to the into an explosion of curiosity.

You looked back at them very slowly, a small reassuring smile forced into your lips.

"What's important is that I'm fine and at school," you sighed, moving to grab both their hands into your wiggling fingers.

Gabbie looked as if she was refraining from erupting with more questions, all while Aiyanna had soft eyes.

"You can pretend to be fine all you want," the Korean woman went, gaze gentle, "but what happened that night was a nightmare and you're allowed to show your feelings Y/N..."

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't," Aiyanna sighed out, hand clapping into yours as you slowly moved back.

I'm not, you thought internally, forced smile growing on your mouth. "I'm completely fine," you said through your teeth, "and if for a second I'm not..." You trailed off.

Aiyanna and Gabbie's expressions waited for you to continue.

You gulped down before meeting their expressions, heels pressing into the floors of the hallway as your body moved back.

"...I'll continue to pretend until it becomes a reality," you finished, smile growing pained now.


"That's how I coped with breaking up with Jimin for a long while," Nari said gently, eyes glazing with tears as she sat next to your form in your bedroom, "I had to pretend to be fine until eventually tricking my body into thinking that I was."

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