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Garret ran pulling Lani behind him.

"Come on quickly." He smiled back at her.

"Garrett" she puffed "i-i-im tired."

He pulled out of the ally looking both ways then began to run again. They stopped at the park.

"Are we done with the running." She asked dropping to the ground

"Yeah." He smiled sitting next to her.

"Garrett." She said softly.

"Hmm?" He replied closing his eyes

"I need to get home soon, I can't leave my siblings alone for long."

"Okay, my motorcycles over there."

They walked over, he climbed on pulling his helmet on, she stood in front of him, he one on her head, helping her climb on. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yeah, let's go."

Garrett speed off, Lani's grip tightened on him

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Garrett speed off, Lani's grip tightened on him. He laughed as a small whimper escaped her mouth.

He stopped in front of a run down apartment building.

"Let me walk you up." Garrett said climbing off.

"No they'd probably nab your bike." Lani sighed "I'll be fine, bye."

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