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Lani and Garrett walked out the back of the school, he smiled down and her pressing his lips to her forehead. She looked up at his blood covered face.

"You didn't have to." Lani sighed looking away from him.

"He was harassing you and that girl." Garrett frowned

"You know i CAN handle myself, I made it this far without you." Anger evident in her voice, she crossed her arms pulling out of his arms.

"Lani, " Garrett sighed walking up to her " I didn't mean it like that, I just want to keep you safe." he sighed

"and why's that?" she turned looking at his Green/Grey eyes.

"Cause I watched my sister get thrown around and beat up and I couldn't do anything." Garrett spat out anger starting to take over him. "and I don't want to see that happen to anyone ever again."

She looked at his dark eyes, She was afraid of him. She never noticed how scary he really could be. She lent out a small cry from him roughly tugging her into his home and to his room.

"Look baby, I'm sorry. I know you can handle yourself" Garrett sighed loudly, softly kissing her "I'm a ass."

"Yeah." Lani frowned crossing her arms, then she smiled slightly and kissed him back.

Garrett smirked laying her back on the bed, trailing kissed down her neck, stopping where her neck and shoulders meet. He smiled when he felt her body shutter beneath her. His hands rubbing her sides, he place a soft kiss at the spot, letting his lips linger.

"I'm sorry." Garrett whispered to her kissing down her Down her thigh.


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Garrett sat in the county Sheriff station. He frowned at his cuffed wrist. How could they have got me? Garrett thought.

Watched a pair of black magnum boots walk up to him.

"James." Garrett sighed

"This is the last time I can get you off again with just a warning." James sighed unlocking the handcuffs.

"Okay, not like I ever asked. But I'm grateful." Garrett rubbed his wrists just as Carmen rushed in pushing the stroller.

"Garrett, I swear i feel like I'm Your mother." Carmen Smiled pulling him into a tight hug.

Garrett held a tight smile pulling away and looking down at his sleeping nephew, as james places a quick kiss on Carmen's lips telling her when he'll be home.

"Mom told me you and her got into a fight." Carmen sighed as they walked out the station.

"Yeah, she kinda kicked me out last night." Garret sighed, "and I guess somebody snitched about the street fight last night and I got caught."

"You know, there are other ways of getting money. Isn't grey trying to get you to work at the gym. "Carmen asked stopping at the truck unlocking it.

"Yeah, but I think he feels I'm a bit too aggressive." Garrett sighed "scare off the people."

"and why's that?" Carmen giggled starting the truck.

"I scared his girlfriend when she interrupted my boxing." Garrett sighed running a hand through his dark, wavy hair, his fingers getting caught in the knotted parts.

Carmen glanced over at him, She remember the things she's heard from Ariel about him. She frowned looking at the bruises that covered him, she thought of Austin almost instantly. She pulled his hands out of his hair smoothing her hands over his head. A small smile spread on his face, remembering whenever she had a panic attack and pulled at her hair, he's stop her and smooth his hands over her head like their Wela did.


Garrett smiled down at his small nephew

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Garrett smiled down at his small nephew. He was now 2 months now, he was so small in his large hands. He rested his head back on the arm of the couch rubbing Angelo's small back, Angelo cooing.

Garrett closed his eyes, feeling tired himself. Then a small cry pierced the air.

"Awe no, don't cry." Garrett hushed.
Carrying him to Carmen.

"Damn, this kid's gonna suck me dry." Carmen laughed walking into her room to breastfeed.

Garrett sighed feeling his phone vibrate, he slipped it out looking at the notification.

Yo, party at 10! Near the lodge you in?

Garrett smirked quickly replying

Sure. I'm down.

Garrett looked up at James as he shuffled into the apartment in sweats and a t-shirt. James sent a nod in Garrett's direction before going into him and Carmen's room.

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