Garrett walked into the apartment kicked his shoes off them marched down the stairs.
"home ma!" he shouted walking into the kitchen sticking a fork into the pot of what his mom made bringing it his mouth as she walked into the kitchen with the shoe box in hand.
"got yourself some new shoes, or is it that secret boyfriend you have?" Garrett chuckled.
"No, this is from your room." Felicia frowned throwing it at him.
"What the fuck mom!" he screamed dodging it.
"Where the hell did you get all that cash!" she screamed back "You better not be doing anything illegal Garrett I swear!"
"why does it matter?" Garrett sighed "I'm not selling drugs if that's what you're wondering."
"how did you get all that money?!" Felicia could feel the anger boiling in her as Garrett avoided to tell her.
"garrett!" she shouted as he walked into his room.
"What Mom!" she shouted back
"answer me, I have the right to know." Felicia could feel her eyes tearing up as she through of what Carmen used to do.
"I fight mom, you know street MMA fights." garrett sighed holding in his anger "that's what I do, then I slip most of it in your wallet, and keep the rest.
"Garrett." felicia could feel her anger cool down.
"I gotta go ma." garrett sighed pulling a hoodie on.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"hey, whats-" Garrett cut Lani off deeply kissing her.
"your brother here?" Garrett asked
"No, I'm home alone."
Garrett slid into the apartment, locking the door behind him before once again attacking lani's lips. His hands ran down her chubby frame, he scooped her up into his arms tired of bending down to kiss her.
"garrett, that the hell was that about." Lani asked breathless after they broke the kiss.
"I was angry, and you're what makes me happy so i thought it was a win win." He smiled dropping her on her bed.
"and?" Lani wanting him to explain himself more.
"and, I wanted to see how loud i could make you scream my name."