Garrett sighed pulling his backpack higher up on his shoulder as he turned the key in the lock. He was beyond tired. Gray smiled at Garrett patting his shoulder. "Good job, I think I see a promotion in your near future."
"What will I make 10.50 and hour now." He heard gray chuckle as they walked through the ally to the front of the building.
"Look man, you need to patch things up with your mother and meet that man of hers, she really does want you to meet him." Gray sighed.
"I know, I'm meeting him tonight. Him and my mom are getting married." Garrett stated walking to his motorcycle.
"Well good luck, and ride safe."
Garrett stared at the door his breath fanning out in front of him. He rubbed his hands together before ringing the bell. He shuffled rubbing his arms the crisp winter wind whipping at him. He sighed in relief as the door opened war air spilling out. His mother stood there, her hands on her hips as she frowned at Garrett.
"don't tell me gray let you out the gym like that." she scowled.
Garrett lightly chuckling going and hugging his mother. "I missed you mama."
"I missed you too, I'm sorry for how i acted." His mother cried hugging him as if he was going to disappear if she let him go.
"No ma, don't apologies. I'm the one who should've listened to you and thought it through." Garrett said soothing his mother as she sobbed in his chest. "anyway, I think I'm the only one who hasn't meet my soon to be step-father."
Felicia instantly perked up, pulling Garrett down the stairs into the living/kitchen area. The man instantly stood from the couch greeting Garrett's mother with a small peck before meeting Garrett.
"Garrett." Garrett's voice cracking as he awkwardly stuck his hand out for the man to shake.
"I'm Samuel." he went straight in for the hug. Garrett just stood there looking at his mom as she tried to conceal her laugh with a cough. Samuel pulled away and looked at Garrett. "I'm sorry was i too forward?"
"un poquito" Garrett said with a tight smile then walking into his room. He looked around, His mom had obviously cleaned it while he was away. he sighed dropping his bag off and stripping off his shirt and pants before walking into his bathroom to shower.
Garrett ruffled the towel in his hair before wrapping it around his waist and looking at his blinking phone.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
he threw his phone on his bed starting to get dressed. he heard his phone notification go off, he pulled up his sweats going over to check it.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
suddenly he got an incoming call from the person texting him
"look, your prank or whatever isn't funny so-"
"Garrett there is no joke, I'm serious."
Garrett felt every single muscle in him tense. He recognized the voice, he was the voice that used to sound through the house from the answering machine. He had never met him, that he knew of. He could hear his voice shake slightly as he responded. "How did you get my number."
"Don't worry about it, I want to meet you before it's too late for me." Desmond sighed, Garrett stayed silent walking out his room into the kitchen where his mom and her fiance were waiting for them to eat.
"who are you on the phone with chava?" his mom asked dishing for Samuel.
"dad." Garrett said slightly confused with the whole situation.