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Lani walked down the hall, still confused at the schools campus. Her phone pressed to her ear.

"thank you again, I know i promise that by next week he won't be at the school early." Lani sighed stopping at her locker. "I know, I know. No my mom's not well enough to care for him."

Lani smiled at Garrett leaning on the lockers next to her.

"wait, what about being sick?" Lani was sucked back into the conversation she was having with her little brother's school's receptionist. "dear god, Okay. I'll have a woman named Melissa Issac pick him up in a bit. Thank you bye."

"rough morning?" Garrett asked kissing her.

"rough life." she replied slamming her locker closed. "come on, the bells about to ring."

Garrett smirked lazily draping his arm over her shoulder and kissing her ear. "who cares about the bell anyway."


Garrett smiled at Lani standing in the crowd, She looked nervous and she had all right to be. His opponent easily towered over him, and could probably shatter Garrett into millions of tiny shards with one hit.

His opponent smirked at Lani, showing off his fanged grill. Garret's teeth ground together.

"You're girl's pretty cute, I would love to see her in my bed sometime, what did I hear you call her Lani?"

Without thinking Garrett punched him in the mouth.

"Don't you say her name with your dirty mouth." Garrett spat pushing him.

The large man slipped on the wet ground his head hitting the floor. Garrett stood over him gripping his hair and pulling his head up.

"Tap out." Garret demanded "Give up"

His opponent stared into Garrett's black eyes.

"El diablo." He opponent whispered "let go, I'm out, you win!" The man cried.


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"Garrett, come on." Lani sighed pulling him towards her apartment.

"Did you find him attractive?" Garrett asked not wanting to look at her.

"Who the giant you took down with one punch." Lani asked "no."

"Yeah, OK."

Lani guided garrett into her room. Locking the door. She walked into the bathroom letting the water in the tub run.

"Come on, bath time." She giggled.

"Will you join me." Garret smirked undressing her and she undressed him.

"Only if you want."


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