Garrett held firmly onto his cup, his arm extended into the air as he tried to push through. He sighed finally reaching the kitchen, refilling his cup, quickly he chugged the drink. Felling nowhere close to being drunk he took a giant swing straight from the bottle.
With the alcohol starting to take effect, he smirked at the little brunette trying to get his attention. She smiled showing off her white teeth, pulling him into the mass if dancing bodies. He lightly chuckled as she held herself flush against him, grinding onto him. The brunette drew her bottom lip between her teeth pulling Garrett's face close to her
"I'm Camellia." She smirked playing with his nape hair. "Garrett." His hot breath fanned out.
Camellia pressed her lips to Garrett's, their tongues soon mingling, their breaths, mixing.
Lani sighed laying bed, slowly scrolling through Instagram. Pictures of some party circulating into her feed, one picture specifically made her sick to her stomach.
She could feel the hot wet tears roll down her enflamed cheeks, the image of Garrett pressed to another girl, he seemed to be eagerly kissing the girl. Both barely wore anything.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
She quickly wiped her eyes. He's just really drunk, she thought wanting to cry her eyes out. Her phone vibrated in her hand, his picture popping up.
She just starting the at incoming call, until it stopped. She could feel her body shaking with sadness.