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"Do you trust me?" Garrett asked as he fumbled with the hem of Lani's shirt. 

"No." she said honestly, biting her already make-out swollen lips. 

"Why not? What's not to trust?" he asked seriously looking at her. 

"I don't know, You're the mysterious, sexy, biker, ex-con. who fucks anything that's got legs wide open." Lani replied sitting up on the couch. 

"I'm not an ex-con." he smirked kissing her jaw. 

"yeah you are, you went to jail. Even though it was for two months." Lani sighed blissfully as he kissed her neck. 

"and you're the one girl that can makes me wish i could be better." Garrett sighed pulling lani to him and resting back on the small  futon in his room. 


Lani climbed off Garrett's motorcycle. Garrett followed suit after her, his hands in his pocket's his shoulder's bumping her. 

"You know, you're the only person that makes me feel small." Lani laughed trying to start conversation. 

"How so?" he asked biting his lip looking down at her. 

"I'm fucking five-ten, and i'm only at you're shoulder. "  she laughed bumping her hip against his.  "the elevator never works so up the stairs." she pointed. 

they took their time up the stairs she pushed open the door for the third floor pulling him behind her. His eyes glued to their interlocked fingers. He didn't even notice her stop, he bumped right into her back. The door in front of them opened. 

"LeLani, I was worried. you were supposed to be here an hour ago." the elderly woman said hugging her. 

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time." she sighed.  

the elderly woman leaned back inside shouting " Michael "  

a little blonde haired boy bounced out the apartment  his backpack hung on his back. "bye,  Mrs. Issac."  

Garrett sent a small wave to Mrs.Issac as they walked towards her apartment. 

"who's the one who messed with you?" garrett asked crossing his arms. 

"promise not to beat him up." Lani sighed 

"Promise not to beat him too bad."

Lani sighed again pointing at the door across from her apartment. Garrett walked over banging on the door. The door swung open a lean, dirty, unshaven man answered. Garrett grabbed the collar of the man's wife-beater.

"This the guy?" Garrett asked Lani.

She slowly nodded her head.

Quickly Garrett pulled him out his apartment slamming the guy against the wall. The man let out a small cry. 

"give me one reason not to break every bone in you're body?" Garrett spat. 

"I didn't do nothin'." the man stuttered. 

Garrett slammed him against the wall again. "So you didn't mess with her, huh?" 

"I-i-i-." the man stuttered. 

"You-you-you what?" 

"I did, I'm sorry man. I didn't know she was taken." 

"well, it doesn't matter if she is or not. if a women, says no or leave me alone you leave her." Garrett said pushing the man back into his apartment. 

he then turned to Lani, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Goodnight babe, be safe and lock the door behind you, and I'll call you." 

the guy from across the hall looked at him. Garrett lunged his upper body forward causing the man to jump back. 

"don't fuck with her." Garrett threaten. 


Garrett was fully into his zone. With every punch he could feel the blood course through him, his heart beat.  

one - two - one - two - one - two 

keeping with that pace he went on, His hits getting more forceful. He didn't feel anything but the burning of this arm muscles. 


"garrett" this time they tugged at his shoulder. 

Garrett turned nostrils flared,hairs straying from his braids stuck to his face, his fist stopping right in front of Gray's face. 

"someone needs to calm down." Gray laughed "anyway, some girl named Lani called and said you weren't answering and she needs you." 

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