Chapter 1 A New Start

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a short chapter but chapter will get longer I promise.

"Here's all the flight information and here's breakfast. Eat up and when you're done take these. These are your prenatal vitamins. I packed a whole box that should hold you for the first six months and then you'll need more.” Flannery quickly thanked Alice the nurse and began to shovel the delicious scrambled eggs into her mouth.
After Beau had driven off leaving her crying in her driveway, Flannery went up to her room and began to brainstorm ways of telling her parents that she was pregnant. Her parents had a clear plan for what she was going to be and this threw a wrench in the plan. She had no idea how they were going to react.
By the time dinner came around she decided just to be open and honest with her parents. They were her parents and would love her no matter what happened. Once she had consumed half of her dinner she blurted it out to her parents.
Her mother poured herself a drink and began to yell at Flannery and call her selfish. Her father refused to look at her. Flannery quietly told her mother and father that she loved them and then left with only the clothes on her back. She found herself in front of the crisis pregnancy clinic, not really sure where else to go, when the nurse came out. Flannery sobbed on her shoulder and told her she had no where else to go. The nurse shared her name, Alice, brought her to her home and let her stay in the guest bedroom.
The following morning Alice shared her plan with Flannery.
“I have a nephew who lives out in Texas. Now, my brother has been running a ranch for years and just passed to Coulter. I called him last night and got you a job. It's just what you need. You need to get away from your family and get yourself on your feet, sweetie,” she said as she pushed the eggs around the pan. She placed breakfast in front of her as well as a plane ticket.

“I don't know how to thank you,” said Flannery, attempting not to cry at the airport.
“Oh, sweet heart!” Alice said as she embraced her. “We all go through moments in our life! I'm just glad that you are keeping the little one! Now, there will someone at the airport to pick you up and drive you out to the ranch. Within the next few weeks you'll be getting packages from me, they are books that you need to read in order to prepare yourself for the birth. Above all, enjoy yourself! Now is the time to discover who you are.”
“Okay, I'm just worried-”
“Hey, now. Don't go worryin' about things you can't control. That boy was a jackass and he doesn't deserve someone as beautiful and bright as you. Now, get on that damn plane and take a nap. Before you now it you'll be flippin' pancakes for hungry cowboys and waddlin' around with a big belly!”
Alice embraced Flannery once more, and kissed her on the cheek. Flannery turned and walked to her gate, and towards her new life.

Flannery had slept the whole plane ride and woke just in time to gather her things before she was shuffled off of the plane. Once she retrieved her luggage, she walked outside and immediately spotted a short, blonde boy who was walking up to everyone that had been on her flight.
“Um-excuse me, are you Miss Moore? No? Sorry. Um- hello? Are you-”
“I'm Flannery Moore,” she said walking up to the boy. She thought it would be best to save him from future embarrassment.
“Well, hello there! I'm Robert. You can call me Robert,” he said, flashing a bright smile her way. “Or Robbie; or rob; or bob; or Trebor.”
“Trebor?” she asked.
“That's Robert backwards.”
“Does anyone call you that?”
“No, but you can if you want.” Flannery laughed at the small boy. He seemed to have so much energy. He couldn't seem to stand still. He grabbed her suitcase from her hands and bolted over to a gray truck that was parked right outside the airport.
“Come on, Miss Moore!”
Flannery walked over to the truck and climbed inside.
“So, you're gonna be our new cook?” he asked, starting up the truck.
“Yes I suppose so.”
“Are you any good?” he asked, with furrowed brows.
“I'm not bad,” she said.
“Well, that's good enough for me” Robert said laughing. “It's a two hour drive so how about we get better acquainted.
I'll go first.” Flannery couldn't help but smile at the young man. Never had she ever met someone with so much energy and happiness. It seemed to just burst out of him.
“My name is Robert Davies. I am seventeen years old. I am a ranch hand and do most of the horse care, I ain't big enough yet to tame the horses. I have family up in Michigan, they all moved a few years back but I stayed behind. I had the color pink and my favorite dessert is peach cobbler.”
Flannery nodded her head, taking in all the information that Robert dished out, while also admiring the scenery. The buildings slowly disappeared and the openness began overwhelming. Alice was right, this is the time to rediscover herself.
“You alright, miss?” Robert asked, laying a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, yes, I'm fine.” Flannery replied giving Robert a smile.
“You're turn. Tell me whatever you want.”
“Oh, well, my name is Flannery Moore. I am twenty-one years old and my favorite dessert is banana cream pie.”
“What about your family? Where do they live?” Robert asked.
“Um,” Flannery could feel her throat start to close up and tears instantly spring to her eyes. “My family lives in Georgia.”
Robert looked over and noticed that the woman was ringing her hands in her lap and attempting to keep herself from crying.
“Miss, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-”
“Oh, you're fine, Robert. Don't worry about it.” Flannery wiped the few tears that fell and gave him a brave smile.
“We still have a long drive ahead of us. If you want to take a nap, I can wake you when we get there.”
“That would be nice. Thank you, Robert.”
Flannery leaned her head back and felt herself slowly fall asleep.

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