Chapter 23 An Obsession

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"You've been avoiding me."

Flannery turned suddenly to the tall man standing in the arch way of her room. He had taken her by surprise but she had quickly schooled her features. She had been avoiding him and she knew just seeing him would make her feel guilty. 

Nolan had been so sweet and kind towards her and she knew he would not continue if he knew what new secret she was hiding.

How could she let this happen again?! She was right back where she started four months ago; pregnant and alone. 

Flannery knew deep down that Coult would want to do right by her. He wouldn't let her leave if he knew about the baby. She felt bile creep up her throat at the thought of having to stay here with Coult while he traipsed around behind her back.  The image of the woman that had taken Coult away from her sprouted into her mind and she momentarily forgot Nolan.

"Flannery," Nolan said, sitting down next to her laying figure on the bed. "What's wrong?"

He brushed a lock of hair off her forehead and leaned in closer.

"You know that I'm here for you no matter what, right?" 

Flannery felt tears spring to her eyes.

"Oh, Nolan!" She flung herself at him as the dam burst again and tears, snot and whimpers came flowing from her. She clung to his shoulders as she let herself unfold in her sadness and grief, She mourned the dreams and hopes she had for her relationship with Coult. 

Nolan rubbed her back and stayed silent as she let it go. 


Emma pulled her car into the ranch and parked it near the house. She had tried calling Flannery for the past two hours but alas hadn't gotten a response. She knew she had repeatedly reminded her of the big sale event she was having for her boutique and Flannery had promised to help.

Emma threw the car into park and got out of the car. As she climbed the stairs to the porch she mentally worked through the list of things that still had to be completed.

As she reached for the door handle she heard a loud crash and a feminine voice curse. She walked back down the stairs and looked at the small house that was next to the bunk house. The front door was wide open.

Danny had walked her around the house plenty of times and she knew that the small building housed a few beds, Frank usually slept there, but they also kept all of the ranches paper work inside the building. Danny explained off handedly that Frank was a stickler for paper work. He had everything labeled organized and filed alphabetically. He had theorized that it was another way for Frank to keep his mind off of his wife. Emma's heart had broken when she had heard of the man's misfortune in losing his wife.

Emma heard  another curse being yelled out of the open door and heard banging, as if filing cabinets were being moved.

She felt an uneasiness in here gut but shrugged it off. What could possibly be happening? Most likely it was Flannery going through some paperwork.

Emma hastened her steps to the house.

"Flannery," she called out stepping into the house. Emma stopped dead when she took in the disastrous mess that covered the room. Her eyes quickly scanned the thousands of papers strewn all over the furniture and floor until her eyes came to rest on a woman in the corner.

She was blonde and buxom, for a lack of a better word. She wore a short, dark red skirt with a small white button-up, barely concealing her curves.

Instantly Emma knew something was wrong.

"May I help you?" Emma asked, snappily. Why today off all days? She asked herself. She had to find Flannery and get back to the store.

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