Chapter 14 Claiming Their Women

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A/N- thanks for all the votes and comments! I'm so pumped about the feedback! I'm so excited to hear what you guys think about the chapter! I made it longer because I know it's been a few days since the last update! ENJOY!!!!

Flannery looped her fingers through Coult's as she followed him downstairs. Her body was still buzzing from the orgasm he had given her and she hoped he would kiss her there again soon. Coult had said he had a gift for her, but what was it? She didn't want or need anything.

Coult led her downstairs, feeling the excitement continue to build in his body. He was so excited to see her face when she saw the piano he had delivered to the house. When he had called Jameson and demanded, not asked, that he order the most expensive piano, Jameson had replied informing Coult that there was beautiful black, baby grand an hour away that was selling for twenty-seven hundred. Coult offered Jameson another grand if he could deliver it by eight o'clock this morning. He had been more than willing to deliver the piano. 

He turned to Flannery once they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Close your eyes," he said. He couldn't help but take a mental picture of her flushed and slightly pink face. She still looked hazy from there intimate encounter upstairs, and even just thinking about it made Coult want to drag her back upstairs.

"Close my eyes?" she giggled.

"Yes." Flannery sighed and made a big show of lifting a dainty pale hand to cover both eyes.

Coult grasped her waist and steered her towards one of the back rooms. It was mainly used as a study, it being filled with book cases and a desk, but Coult had moved a few things around so the piano sat facing the large window in the corner of the room.

"Okay," Coult let go of Flannery's waist and maneuvered himself so he could watch her reaction. "You can look now."

Flannery smiled as she moved her hand away from her face, and then immediately stopped smiling. She was flabbergasted. The man had bought her a piano!

Coult saw the smile leave her face and for a moment thought she was upset. He was comforted when she had walked right up to the piano and ran her fingers over the white ivory keys. Coult felt his chest swell with pride. He had done good.

He thought back to when she had arrived at the ranch, timid and shy, always quiet. Now that he had gotten to know her better, he saw that she was a woman with passion, love, and had a special light that shined out of her eyes.

He knew he needed her. He needed her badly. He thought about all the kisses and moments they had shared. He imagined her in his bed, naked, thriving. An image of a pregnant Flannery flashed through his mind and caused Coult to take a step back.

Where the hell did that come from? Is that what he wanted? Children with Flannery? He knew he didn't mind the idea of her being his wife, but he never thought about kids. 

He walked up to Flannery and sat next to her on the piano bench. He wrapped an arm around her waist and buried his nose in her neck, inhaling her sweet smell. 

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it. Thank you so much," she said. Flannery turned to him and timidly pressed her lips to his. The kiss quickly turned heated and before either of them knew it, Coult had her straddling his lap.

Flannery whimpered and moaned as his teeth,  tongue and lips massaged her neck and collarbones. She was so lost in his caresses she barely heard the banging of pots and pans in the kitchen.

She quickly pushed away from Coult, a blush covering her face.

"Someone's in the kitchen," she whispered, yelled. 

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