Chapter 4 A Kiss for Information

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For the next few days, Flannery kept to herself. She cooked, cleaned, organized and when Friday arrived she knew it was time to make an appointment with the local doctor. Even though Flannery experienced little to no morning sickness, she knew it was time.

She had just cleaned up breakfast and was walking out to the barn looking for Coult when she bumped into Danny.

"Well, hello there, beautiful," he said, tipping his hat and walking over to her. Danny's eyes scanned the petite woman's body. She looked stunning in a gray, cotton, ankle length skirt and denim button up. It was obvious she didn't wear make-up, but it was also obvious that she didn't need to.

"Hi, Danny. I was look-"

"Looking forward to our little date tonight?" he asked with a wink. What he would give to have her in his bed, Danny thought. 

"I thought it wasn't a date," Flannery asked confused.

"It's whatever you need it to be darlin'." 

"Danny!" Danny turned to find Coult glaring at him from the barn door. His fists were clenched and it looked as if he was struggling to stay calm.

"I don't pay you to ignore your work and flirt with co-workers. Either get back to work or leave."

Danny nodded at Flannery and went back to work wondering why his good natured boss almost just lost his cool.

Before Flannery knew what was happening, Coult had grabbed her arm and began pulling her towards the house. She looked down at his tanned arm and saw his muscles bulging, what she would give to lay kisses all over those tough arms.

Coult pulled her into the kitchen and folded his arms across his chest. Flannery could tell he was mad, but why?

"I don't want you flirting with my workers," Coult stated, in a no-nonsense tone of voice.

"I wasn't" Flannery said defensively. What the hell is he talking about, she thought to herself. He kissed her yesterday and now is accusing her of going after the ranch hands.

"I want you to stay away from Danny, understand?" he said taking a step forward. Flannery felt her blood begin to boil. How dare this man! 

"I was trying to find you!" she said, taking a step closer to this god-like man.

"What do you need?" 

"I need a number for a doctor," she said, not meeting his eyes. How could she? The man didn't know she was pregnant and he had kissed her, now was not the time to open up to him about her child.

Immediately Coult's eyes and face softened.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a worried voice. He scanned her from head to toe attempting to find the injury that would warrant a doctors call.

"None of your business" Flannery said turning away from him. 

Coult felt his blood boil. They had shared a kissed and she was out in the barn today looking for a ranch hand to satisfy her needs. Well, thought Coult, I am the only man that will be satisfying her. He couldn't believe that she had accepted Danny's proposition of a date. He had to walk away when Danny told him the other night for fear he would end up killing the man.

Coult didn't understand what was wrong with him. It had been a long time since he had felt possessive over a woman, but never had he felt this type of possessive. He had been a relationship a long time ago but had caught the woman sleeping with his brother and he ended it.  Flannery was a different story entirely. He wanted her to be his and only his. He wanted every man to know that she belonged to him; every inch of that beautiful body was his to worship.

"It is my business," he growled, spinning her around and pinning her to his chest. "You better tell me dammit, or I'll make you."

Flannery felt her core begin to weep for him as she felt his muscles, one in particular, indent themselves against her body. All she wanted was for this man to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to his bed. 

"Try and make me," she dared, as she meet his gaze. She immediately wish she hadn't dared him. A smirk filled his face and she knew exactly how he was going to make her spill her dark secret. He leaned in, his eyes trained on her lips. Flannery knew that if he kissed her that she would spill everything. She couldn't yet.

Flannery struggled against his hot and hard body, tossing her head back and forth attempting to escape his lips. 

Coult knew that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, he saw it in her eyes. He knew that she was a quiet and reserved woman, but my was she sexy when she was riled up. He let her continue to struggle for a minute and enjoyed the feel of her moving against him. 

"Done?" he asked, in a sexy voice. Flannery stopped struggling and looked up into his beautiful eyes. She squeezed her lips closed and narrowed her eyes at him.

Coult let out a little chuckled and with one arm pinned her supple body to him, and with the other grabbed her jaw to hold her beautiful face still as he kissed her. Flannery was determined to keep her mouth closed, but after a minute of whispered dirty words and a large hand squeezing her bottom, she gave in. 

Coult plundered her mouth continuously while pressing her harder and harder in his throbbing erection. All he wanted to do was pound into her warm and welcoming body.

Finally, Coult pulled back and remembered the reason for kissing her.

"Why do you need the doctor?" he asked softly, trailing kisses up and down her neck. He saw her nipples pressing against the denim shirt and wanted nothing more than to taste the delectable buds.

Flannery heard his voice through the haze of lust crowding her brain. She needed to answer him, but there was no way in hell she was telling him that she was pregnant, at least not yet.

"None of your damn business" she said looking at him. Coult pulled away from her. He walked over to the table and jotted down the doctors number on a piece of paper. Walking back over to her, he handed her the slip of paper.

"Here you are, kitten," he said in a soft voice. "I'll get it out of you one way or another."

Flannery watched as he walked out of the kitchen.


I know it's short but tomorrow will be better. The plot will really start talking shape soon! vote and comment!!!

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