Chapter 10 Happy Go Lucky

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comp still not working so this was done on my phone. ssorry its short but I will update as soon as possible.

Flannery snuggled deeper into the warm hard chest and felt an arm tighten around her waist. She inhaled deeply through her nose, enjoying the musky male scent of her cowboy. Lazily, she began tracing circles with her fingertips, starting at his collar bone, moving down to his ribs and then back again. Keeping her eyes closed and enjoying the safe and secure, not to mention sensual and heated, feelings she began to kiss Coult's chest.
She felt the rumbling chuckle run through his body and his own hands began to caress her.
"You're torturing me, kitten," Coult said, his voice throaty and deep from being asleep.
Flannery felt her entire body turn red with his words. She tucked her head into his chest so he couldn't see how embarrassed she felt.
Coult could feel her body heat in embarrassment and quickly flipped her onto her back and settled himself between her legs.
"My body is yours," he stated bluntly looking deeply into her expressive and doe like eyes. Flannery couldn't believe he was saying these words to her! To her!
"You may do whatever you want with it, kitten, but I think we should take things slow. Okay?"
Flannery nodded while she tried to calm the fire that was beginning to spread from the tips of her toes to her fingertips.
Coult ran his nose up the column of her beautiful creamy white neck and nipped at her ear lobe. She gasped and whimpered, wanting more. He knew his control was wearing thin. Just knowing he was on top of her on a bed made him crazy. He settled his lower body against hers and started to rock slowly. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she began to move with him.
Flannery had never felt this way before. There was no awkwardness like there had been with Beau but instead smoothness and she loved it.
Coult slipped a hand under her shirt and began to massage one of her breasts. Flannery moaned out loud at the pleasure and it encouraged Coult.
With both hands he grasped the ends of her shirt and without thinking ripped it in two. Flannery gasped again and felt nothing but white hot heat flare in her. God, this was such a turn on!
Coult pulled down the plain nude bra she wore and latched onto her nipples as if he were a new born babe.
"Oh, god!" Flannery called out, not believing that such pleasure could be achieved.
Coult continued to suckle on her buds and let his right hand drift down to her jeans. He hastily unbuttoned and ran a finger down by her Garden of Eden. She was warm and smelt of lavender. God, how he wanted her!
Flannery wanted to say so much but felt as if she had lost control of her voice. All she could do was moan and murmur his name over and over again.
Coult was just about to whisk her panties to the side and slide his fingers into her cavern when he heard the door fly open. He quickly grabbed the sheets that had bunched up by his feet and hurled them over both himself and Flannery.

"Good lord in heaven above, Coult!" Alice said standing in the door way. The heavier woman had donned an apron and carried a try full of breakfast.
"Aunt Alice, it's so sweet of you to bring up breakfast but we are kinda in the middle-"
"Bring you breakfast?" Aunt Alice threw her head back and hollered so loud that Coult would be surprised if the ranch hands couldn't hear it.
"Get your ass downstairs, boy. Your breakfast is getting cold in the kitchen. This is for you, honey," Aunt Alice said placing the tray of hot food on the side table next to the bed.
"Thank you, Alice" Flannery said. She knew her face was the shade of a lobster. She couldn't believe Alice walked in on them and she couldn't believe that she was acting as if it was normal!
"Get out, Aunt Alice," Coult said. He slid his fingers up Flannery's stomach and began to caress her breast out of sight.
"Excuse me?"

"Fine," Alice sighed as she walked out. "But you better be downstairs in thirty seconds."
"Got it," Coult said impatiently. Flannery was gripping his arms trying to get him to stop before she moaned and Alice knew what they were doing under the sheets.
Alice turned around and shut the door.
"Thank god," Coult murmured before slamming his lips down on hers and shoving his hand down her jeans.
He was so turned on and felt an ach in his stiffened appendage. He wanted her so badly. He knew that the only way to get rid of some of that ache he felt was to pleasure her and watch her enjoy herself.
"Oh, Coult," Flannery moaned in his ear. Coult felt his blood pump faster. He was about to stroke her heat when the door flew open again.
"Jesus Christ, Aunt Alice!"
Flannery couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she washed her hair in the shower. She was still so embarrassed that Alice had walked in on them twice but Coult’s face was priceless. He was so mad but he calmly stood up, grabbed his shirt and walked out quietly.
Once she had dried her hair and gotten dressed, she decided the best thing would be to get some fresh air. She still had a little bit of an achy feeling in her uterus, but the doctor had said that it would go away within a few days.
Flannery walked along the fencing of the ranch and thought about the past few months of her life. She was surprised at how life had changed. She was even more surprised that she hadn’t even thought of her parents; she didn’t even miss them.
She felt slightly guilty at the thought and then chastised herself. She shouldn’t feel bad about not missing them! They were the ones who forced her to leave.
Her thoughts quickly turned back to Coult and Flannery felt a smile cross her face. He was so wonderful. He was kind and caring and had been there for her in her darkest moment. She knew that they were going to have to talk about her pregnancy and she felt nerves begin to form in her stomach at the thought. Deep down she knew that Coult would understand.
Flannery suddenly heard horses hoof beats draw closer. Turning around she saw Coult riding his horse her way. She smiled and waved as he drew closer.
He jumped off his horse and gathered her up in his arms.
“Hi, kitten” he whispered. He pressed his lips to hers and took his time tasting every inch of her mouth.
“Hi, handsome,” she said back.
“Wanna have dinner tonight?” Coult asked. Flannery looked into his dark brown eyes and saw traces of nervousness.
Flannery smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I’d love to.”

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