Chapter 38 Epilogue

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Coult paced back and forth in the living room of the home he built for Flannery. It had been many months of marital bliss and he was looking forward to the day when their child would be born, but he was also dreading it.

When Flannery had informed him that she was going to have an all natural at home delivery, he almost popped a blood vessel. Thoughts and fears rushed bak to him and the memory of his mother haunted him. He called Dr. Morgan and pleaded with her to speak to Flannery, but she assured him that it was going to be okay and that she would have a standby, just in case.

So, here he was. Waiting.

It had been eight hours and all he could was pace nervously. Originally, he was supposed to be in the room with her, but Flannery had kicked him out after a half hour.

"I seriously can't do this with you yelling at the doctor!" she said. Her breathing was laboured as she paced back and forth in the room, trying to stay calm with Coult commanding the doctor to bring her to the hospital and give her drugs.

"I just wa-" he began, but Flannery placed a hand against the wall and breathed harshly through another contraction.

"Listen to me," she said, after it had passed. "The more you keep freaking out, the more annoyed and nervous you make me. The more annoyed and nervous you make me, the less comfortable I feel. The less comfortable I feel, the more my cervix reverses and begins to close. Now, I am-"

She stopped once again as another contraction hit and continued once it passed.

"Now, I am one hundred percent effaced and I will have this baby tonight. Here." Flannery stepped up to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you. Get out."

Coult left the room angry and frustrated. 

"She'll be okay," came Franks voice from the corner of the room. He was seated next to Beth, who had been making a shockingly fast recovery from her alcoholism. Coult was furious when he found out his father had let her move into the ranch house. He didn't want Flannery to be hurt by this woman ever again. But surprisingly, she apologized. She sat Flannery down and explained to her how sorry she was for every mean and harsh word that ever came out of her mouth. Danny had starting making lewd comments as to why Frank invited her to stay, but as soon as the word "bang" came out of his mouth, Coult walked away. He didn't even want to think about his father in a romantic relationship with anyone.

But, Coult had reconciled with his feelings toward her and was growing fond of the older woman.

"Has she popped yet?" Danny asked, poking his head in the room. Emma swept by him, her arms filled with her own baby. She had delivered a beautiful and healthy boy a week earlier.

"Come to papa, Troy," Frank cooed as he held his hands out to the little bundle. Emma laughed and handed the good natured boy over.

"He's gonna be a handful when he get's older," Frank predicted.

"Coult," Dr. Morgan called as she came down the stairs. "Congratulations, you have a new baby boy."

Coult raced up the stairs and walked into the bedroom. There was Flannery, bright eyed and cooing at the little boy suckling at her breast.

"I love you," he said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too," she replied, not taking her eyes off of the baby boy.

"What do you want to name him?" he asked, mentally going through the list of names they had thrown around earlier.



Coult was about to make love to his wife when he heard little feet pitter patter across their bedroom floor.

Suddenly, two boys attacked the bed and began to hop up and down on top of him.

"Marcus! Thomas!" he growled, pulling both boys under him and mercilessly tickling them. He continued to wrestle with them until he heard his wife cooing. He turned and realized she must have snuck out of bed while he was playing and grabbed the newest addition to the family: Isabella.

Three beautiful children and a gorgeous wife. He didn't know what he ever did to get so lucky. He had many conversations with Danny about it. He was also blessed with another baby. Troy and Olivia were fast friends with his children.

His father and Beth got married after Thomas was born and both he and Flannery were happy for them. They loved being grandparents, and Coult loved handing off the children when he wanted to ravish his wife.

The past five years had been full of laughter, love, and Coult couldn't wait to see what was in store for them next.


OMG IT'S OVER! this seriously has been so much fun, even though i took forever updating it! thank you everyone for all the comments and votes and messages! I know i'm horrible about replying but my little one dictates my schedule some times! Look for the next one in this series! dont know what it's going to be called yet but get excited!

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