Chapter 6 His Territory

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After Coult had left Flannery standing in the kitchen with the doctors number, he did everything in his power to get her out of his mind. Even his father noticed that Coult was working like a mad man, but when he mentioned it, all he got was a grunt.

Once Coult had finished his work for the day, he had gotten cozy in one of the chairs on the porch of Flannery's house. He had brought a long a bottle of whiskey as a companion and let his mind race with thoughts of Flannery in Danny's arms.

He didn't know what it was about the woman that made him forget everything else in life. She made the day seem better, hell she made him want to be a better man! 

Coult took another swig of whiskey and felt his blood turn cold. How could she have said yes to Danny?! He knew she wanted him. He saw it in her eyes when he had kissed her. 

He closed his eyes and imagined her breasts pressed into his chest as her tongue explored his mouth. God, she was so ripe and bountiful. He could feast off of her for days. Coult continued to drink whiskey as if it was water and slowly began to feel the effects of it hit him.

He had to make her break it off with Danny. He wouldn't be able to stand seeing them together. Besides, Danny didn't deserve someone as sweet and beautiful as Flannery--he certainly wouldn't be able to please her either.

I'll make her see that she's mine, Coult thought to himself. He smirked and threw back the last of the whiskey. All he had to do was some romancing and she would see that all she ever wanted and needed was right there in front of her. 

Coult felt his member rise up at the thought of seducing and bedding Flannery. He couldn't wait to taste her and feel her warmth. 

He was so lost in his fantasy of Flannery that he almost didn't notice Danny's car pull up. He quickly jumped up and ran in to the kitchen. 

He felt his temper begin to slip. He couldn't hear a damn word! Just murmuring! Was Danny kissing her? Murmuring sweet nothings into her ear? She was his, dammit! 

He heard the door open and let out a breath of relief when only one pair of foot steps made their way into the kitchen. He felt his jaw hit the floor. God, she was perfection incarnate. Her dark purple dress clung to every curve on her body. Coult felt his mouth water at the sight.

He watched her place a kettle on the stove. He took a step towards her. 

"So, how was your date?" he asked. Flannery spun around and Coult's eyes were immediately drawn to her bosom, heaving up and down. 

"What are you doing here?"

Coult barely heard her as his eyes raked her up and down, finally settling on her lips which were parted and begging to be kissed.

"How was your date?" he asked, taking another step closer.

Flannery felt her body start to turn to mush at the sight of this handsome cowboy in her kitchen. 

"It was fine," she said softly. God, how she wished that he had asked her on a date!

Dammit! Thought Coult. Why hadn't he asked her on a date?!

"Really?" he growled, walking towards Flannery until he had her pressed up against the cabinetry to the side of the stove.

"Did you kiss him good night?" he asked, placing his hands on either side of her body, trapping her against the wood.

Flannery took in the man before her. His shirt was sweaty and dirty and his breath smelled of whiskey. All she wanted was to rip her clothes off and offer herself to him.

What was it about this man that made her want this? With Beau sex and all foreplay had been awkward and uncomfortable. This cowboy made her feel as if her body was doused with gasoline and set a flame.

Coult was getting impatient. Why wasn't she answering him? Did Danny kiss her? He could see the desire in her eyes, but was it for him? 

He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him and his throbbing rod. 

"Do you feel how much I burn for you?" he said into her ear.

Flannery gasped at the feeling of his hardness rubbing against her lowing abdomen. Her hands clasped his broad and muscular shoulders, hanging on for support.

"Did he kiss you?" asked Coult as he layered kisses up and down her neck. Flannery could hardly think straight. She wanted him so badly!

"Answer me," he growled, nipping her ear.

Flannery was astounded when she mentally checked back in to their converstation. Did she kiss Danny? She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

Coult looked down at the laughing beauty in his arms. What was so funny?

"What's so funny?"

"That you-you- would think tha-that I would kiss Danny!" Flannery's head tilted back and she let her laughter wash over her.

Coult felt relief flow through his veins and he watched his little angel laugh at the thought of being intimate with the other man. His gaze drifted down her neck and down to her well endowed bosom.

He felt something snap inside him as he hauled her against him once again. He slammed his lips against hers and took what he wanted. He heard her little moans and gasps as his hands pulled apart her dress and caress her white and creamy skin. 

He began impatient and needed even more of her. He tore her bra off and latched onto one of her little pink buds. He felt all of his blood pull in his friend downstairs when Flannery ran her hands through his hair and held his head captive against her bosom. 

All he wanted was to lock her in his bedroom and never let her go. 

Flannery couldn't believe what was happening! Her mind clouded with lustful thoughts and visions of all the things she wanted him to do to her. She had never been so turned on in her entire life. 

All of a sudden a piercing whistle pulled her out of the groove that was in motion between the two hormone driven persons. 

The tea! Flannery quickly pushed away from him, reached over to turn off the water and fled past the dangerous cowboy upstairs to her bedroom. 

Flannery locked her door and fell to the floor. What was she thinking? She wasn't a single woman looking for a man! She was pregnant! She was going to be bringing a child into the world. She didn't have time for flings. That was all Coult was looking for, a roll in the hay.


I know it's short but I will be uploading again later today! 

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