Chapter 35 Speak of the Devil and She Shall Appear

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Flannery paced back and forth in the back room at the church down the street from Emma's apartment. Ever since she ate breakfast, and then threw it up, she had felt as if a rock was pressing against her heart.

Last night she had been so overjoyed that Coult had trusted her enough to not start a huge fight about Nolan. But now looking at the situation, Flannery felt as if she was the one in the wrong.

She groaned and buried her head in her hands. It seemed that every time she tried to do something right, it turned out pushing their relationship back. She felt tears come to her eyes. Was she going to be like this when they were married? When their child was born? Was she constantly going to be messing everything up?

"Flannery," Emma called, rushing towards her. "Are you alright? You're crying! Whats wrong?"

Flannery choked on a sob and pushed her away. Emma was such a caring and wonderful person, but Flannery didn't any comfort from her.

"I just need to get away," she whispered. She stood and mad a dash for the back door that led to the garden. Fear, guilt, and the tremendous tidal wave of love for Coult swept over her and for a moment she felt as if she couldn't breath.

Her hands pressed against the far stone wall as she tried to catch her breath. Emma's shouting voice in the distance fell on deaf ears, but the masculine outraged cry and growl of her name did not.

Flannery felt him before her even touched her. His hands grasped her hsoulders and he spun her around. His beautiful eyes searching her body for harm. His hands flew up and down her body and eventually rested on the small mound they both were so in love with.

"Tell me," he whispered. "Tell me what happened to make you so sad, kitten."

Flannery's eyes filled with tears again. He was so sweet and loving. Even though she had gone against what they had agreed on, he was still here. He wouldn't leave her. Or maybe he would when he found out what happened.

"Please, Flannery," Coult begged, slipping her arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she buried her head against his chest.

Coult's mind was running frantically attempting to figure out if he had done anything to upset his woman. I'm sorry? For what? His jealous and possessive side gained control quickly. She was goign to leave him. His blood flew through his veins, hot and angry. Leave him?! Coult clasped her to him tighter. Over his dead body. He wasn't going to let her go no matter what. He was going to drag her into that church if he had to.

"No," he growled, grabbing her shoulders and wrenching her away from him.

"No?" Flannery repeated, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I am not letting you go," he said. She looked so pure and innocent, small tear strains on her pale face, big brown eyes looking at him in wonder and awe. Her breasts were heaving against the beautiful white dress. He felt himself harden at the sight of her.

"Over my dead body will you you walk away from me now," and with those words, Coult slammed his lips against hers. Tongues and teeth mashed with passion and Flannery felt her undergarments dampen with need and lust. His hands were everywhere at once, pinching, stroking, igniting fire.

Walk away? Wait a minute!

Flannery squeezed her arms between them and managed to pull her lips away from his.

"I wasn't leaving you," she said with anger.

"You weren't?" Coult asked in confusion. All his anger dissipated, but his hard on remained seeing the little kitten in his arms angry and flustered.

"I was...Coult, I'm sorry. I should have told you what happened between Nolan and I."

"Flannery, I-" Coult began but Flannery cut him off.

"Just listen, please?" Flannery stepped away from Coult and continued. "We made an agreement. We were supposed to tell each other everything. And I...didn't. I thought that you would be so angry with me and I thought I would keep you from hating Nolan. I am so sorry. I should've told you and I feel so stupid that I didn't and-"

Before she could finish, Coult engulfed her in his arms.

"I understand, kitten. I understand."


"I don't want to know," he said, starring down into her eyes.

"You don't?" she asked in disbelief.

"You're about to marry me, and no one else. I have the woman. I have you. And whatever happened doesn't matter."

Flannery smiled and followed him into the church.


Coult couldn't help but chuckle at his new wife. She was swaying side to side singing at the top of her lungs with Emma in the middle of the dance floor. He had never seen her look so happy.

His eyes scanned the large turn out at the wedding reception and he felt slightly annoyed. Everyone that was important to him was there, but there was no one there for Flannery. Not even her parents. Coult just realized that he had never even asked her if she wanted them to be invited.

Feeling disappointed in himself for neglecting something so important e made a beeline for his bride and commandeered her for the next song, which thankfully was a ballad.

Flannery was engulfed in his strong arms and was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

"You fallin' asleep on me kitten?" Coult asked with a laugh.

"Can't you hear me purring?" she responded with sass. He threw back his head with laughter before laying kisses up and down her neck.

"I'd love nothing more than to make you purr, kitten," he whispered in her ear before nibbling on it.

Flannery felt her knees weaken under his ministrations.

"Are you okay that I didn't invite your parents?" he asked suddenly. "I know that you have your issues with them, but I just want you to know that I am sorry I didn't ask earlier. I just wanted you to have the perfect wedding."

"I can't imagine my parents being here," giggled Flannery. "My mother would be such a-"

Before she could finsih, Frank came hobbling up to the couple.

"Coult, Flannery, there's a woman here and she's over by the barn. She keeps calling for you, Flannery. She's really drunk."

Flannery frowned and grasped Coult by the hand. Whatever it was they would do it together.

They made their way to the barn and Flannery almost fainted at the sight. The woman was clearly intoxicated, swaying side to side while poking a finger into Robbie's chest. He looked amused, but the woman did not.

"Listen to me, you little-little...person....I was going to be famous," she slurred. "I worked to hard for this shit."

Flannery walked up closer to the woman in amazement.



okay! so I am going to try and get another upload by sunday....lemme know what you think!

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