Chapter 29 Captured

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Coult strode out of the hospital and headed to Mrs. Sheridan's car. He knew Danny would a minute or two behind him. Danny was craving blood from what was done to Emma.

Mrs. Sheridan had promised that as soon as the cops showed up at Emma's room that she would send them out to the ranch. There was only one sheriff and deputy in the whole town. They rarely had need of any more help.

Coult climbed into the small car and shoved the key into the ignition. He felt as if he had a thousand bugs crawling under his skin. Nolan was here. He was here and he was near Flannery.

Rage flowed through Coult. 

Nolan should have stayed away. After all the trouble he caused and all the hurt he inflicted on both his brother and father, he should've just stayed away. 

Coult knew his brother had problems and he could only imagine the small ammounnt of guilt he must feel. To be told when you were ten that you killed your mother would've hurt anyone. And Coult had hurt the boy that said that to Nolan at his birthday party. He had defended his brother. He continued to defend his brother when he started stealing and getting involved with drugs. But it finally got to a point where Nolan's destruction reached to close to home and Coult had told him enugh was enough. 

He was sad when his father had asked Nolan to leave the ranch, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved. 

Coult was deep in thought about his brother and the lack of relationship they had because of Nolan's actions when Danny opened the door of the car.

"You alright?" Danny asked quietly. Danny had never heard too much about Nolan, only snippets that Frank had divulged in one night. From what he had gathered, Nolan was a pretty bad seed.

"Yep" Coult asked, refusing to delve deeper. There was only one thing on his mind now: getting to Flannery.

"Sherif showed up. They're gonna be a good fifteen minutes behind us."



Flannery felt as if she had only shut her eyes for a few minutes before she heard a knock on her door.

She sat up in bed and listened. There was nothing but silence. 

She stealthily crept out of her bed and moved towards the door. The shadow under the door shifted and another knock sounded.

Flannery felt her blood pump and fear crept into her veins. This wasn't Robbie. It was someone else. 

"Flannery," came a voice through the door. "Open up."

Nolan. Shit.

Flannery quickly moved to the far windows trying to find an escape! He was here in the house! Where was Robbie? Was he hurt? Was he dead? 

She opened the windows only to realize that there was no way she could jump to the ground. She would break her legs. She turned to the bed and started pulling the sheets off. She took the top sheet and tied it as tightly as she could to the bed post.

Flannery felt her limbs shaking. She remembered as a child playing tag with the other children at school and remembered the weak feeling she got in her legs when she knew she was about to be caught. The same feelings returned and she felt as if she was moving as slow as molasses. 

Her legs felt as if they were about to give way under her.

She grasped the window frame and tossed the sheet out of the window. It would still be a drop from the end of the sheet, but she would make it! 

Flannery threw a leg out of the window when the sound of splintering wood filled the air.

She turned with gasp and saw Nolan in the doorway, the broken door laying inside the room. His chest was heaving with exertion and his brow was scrunched in anger.

She turned back to the window and was about to let herself down when an arm wrapped around her waist and hauled her back into the room.

"I'd like to have a little chat, Flannery," Nolan said calmly and in a soft voice.

"Let me go!" Flannery yelled, struggling against him.

Nolan tightened his grip on her and pressed her wriggling body closer to his growing erection. God, she was so feisty, he thought. The idea of physically devouring a woman that belonged to his son of a bitch brother was becoming more and more of a turn on for Nolan.

Flannery continued to struggle until she felt his member pressed against her backside. She stilled. Suddenly she was even more terrified. He had hurt Emma, brutally beaten her, but she hadn't said anything about rape.

Her limbs were shaking in fear for both herself and the unborn child in her stomach. What if he hurt the baby? He didn't know she was pregnant, maybe he would feel sorry for her?

The erection in her back began to move. Back and forth, back and forth. 

He was humping her. Oh, God.

Flannery knew tht she was going to have to be smart about this nd tht she was going to have to move quickly. 

She let herself relax against Nolan. Her hips moved slightly with his as he continued to grind his hardness into her backside.

A moan escaped from Nolan's mouth. His hands relaxed and drifted down to her hips. 

Quick as lightening, Flannery lifted her left arm in front of her and made a tight fist. With a deep breath, she bent her knees and rammed her elbow into Nolan's crotch. Flannery turned and fled out of her room and down the stairs. 

She was barely down the stairs when she heard Nolan's feet on the stairs behind her. She kept running. Her lungs were burning and her feet throbbing. 

She made it out of the ranch house and hesitated for a moment. Where could she go? She didn't have the keys to the truck.

Flannery took of running towards the gates of the ranch. Maybe, just maybe, Mrs. Sheridan sent help.

She had almost made it to the gates when a strong, hard body tackled her from behind. Nolan landed heavily on top of her, but Flannery had shifted her body so she landed on her side.

She felt the small rocks and dirt dig into her skin. Soreness crept into her muscles. She felt like she couldn't move.

Nolan chuckled and got to his feet.

"Well, Flannery, how about that chat?" he said, dusting himself off.

Flannery felt tears creep into her eyes. He had caught her. There was no way she would be able to outrun him. She had tried outsmarting him, but she hadn't gotten far with that.

Coult's face appeared in her mind. God help her, she still loved. She loved him with abandon! But, there was a child who would bear the brunt of her mistake and would feel inadequate because of Coult's selfishness.

"Are you going to kill me?" Flannery asked as tears began to stream down her face.

Her hand unconsciously began to stroke her stomach. She needed to live for this baby. The child deserved a chance. Her other baby had been called home early and Flannery knew that they were in a better place. But there was no way in hell she would let that happen again!

"Kill you? Well, maybe," said Nolan, nonchalantly. "I think you maybe more used to me alive. Though, I may sample a few things before I get started on ransoming you."

He was going to rape her. Oh, God.

Flannery began to sob and continued to stoke her belly. She hoped that it would somehow bring comfort to the small being inside of her.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. Her whole life was flashing before her eyes. Flannery continued to apologize and curl into herself.

"Oh god," Nolan said, realizing what was occurring. A smile extended across Nolan's face as his plan became even more perfect. "You're pregnant."


Sorry it took so long! Busy busy busy week! Lemme know what you think! I know a lot of you were hoping Coult would be in the chapter but he will be showing up soon! Vote and comment!

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