Chapter 7 An Apology Kinda Day

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Coult didn't know what happened. One minute he had a curvaceous goddess moaning in his arms and the next--she was gone. Coult shook his head and then slammed his fist down on the counter cursing.


Coult began to berate himself! This was his fault! He should've taken things slower but it was so hard with her. She was so beautiful and made his heart beat so fast that words didn't do his feelings justice.

He swayed on his feet for a minute, realizing that he was a little too drunk to make his way up to her bedroom to try and apologize for his actions. He collapsed into one of the chairs near the table and dropped his head into his hands. 

What was happening to him? His heart hurt. He had never felt like this before. 

He decided it was time to leave before he changed his mind about going up to her bedroom.

Coult walked down the porch steps and headed to the bunkhouse. He ignored the hello's from ranch hands as he made his way to his bunk on the far side of the room when all of a sudden he heard Danny.

"I'm tellin' ya man, she was so good," Danny said to all the ranch hands who were obviously enthralled with his story.

"So tight and warm." Wolf whistles and lewd comments were thrown about and Coult saw red. He slowly made his way towards Danny.

"Wow," said Robbie lighting up a cigarette. "You're a fast worker that's for sure."

Coult couldn't control his anger anymore. He bolted over to Danny and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt. He proceeded to toss him across the room.

"You fuck!" he yelled. Coult felt the need to break every bone in his body! Either Danny was lying to the ranch hands, or Flannery had lied to him. He couldn't see innocent little Flannery lying, so Danny was going to need to be driven to the hospital. 

Coult picked Danny off the floor and punched him square in the nose.

"If you ever touch her again I will rip you in half!" 

Coult took a step away from Danny, rubbing his knuckles, and was about to go back for another punch when he heard shocking news.

"If you're going to beat up every man that's fucking Mayzie Brett than you're going to be beating up half the town."

Coult turned to Connor, one of the ranch hands, and stepped towards him.

"What did you just say?" Coult asked. 

"I said that if you're going to beat up every man that's fucking Mayzie Brett than you're going to be beating up half the town." Connor uneasily shifted weight between his feet. He hoped his boss didn't know that he had rolled around with Mayzie quite a few times.

Coult turned back to Danny who was lying on the floor smirking.

"What are you smirking for?" Coult asked. He felt so embarrassed and angry that he had just punched his ranch hands face inside his skull over a girl he didn't even like.

"You like her quite a bit don't you, boss?" Danny said, chuckling to himself. His nose hurt like hell, but he knew why Coult had punched him and he was happy for Flannery. She and Coult would make a good couple. 

"Shut up" Coult said as he walked away from Danny and the other ranch hands.

"What is going on?" Robbie asked. Danny got up from the floor and headed to his bed.

"I'll tell ya tomorrow."


Flannery was excited that it was Saturday and that it was easier to avoid Coult and the other ranch hands. 

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