Chapter 20 Wait And See

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Two in one day! WHHHAAAA??


Scarlett sat on the gross and sweaty sheets, her back against the cheap head board. The white sheet was pulled above her breasts and the Marlboro 27 cigarette hung out of her mouth, waiting to be lit. Nolan lay naked next to her, fully exposed. 

She lit her cigarette and took a long drag, letting the tobacco and nicotine fill her lungs. Tonight had been a risky night.

After satisfying the little ranch hand, twice, she had convinced him to get Coult into the barn, under the apprehension that she was an old high school good friend. Luckily, he believed her.

Once he had walked out of the barn, she had slipped her dress back on and waited.

Five minutes had passed when she heard the heavy sounds of boots making their way towards the barn.

This is it, she thought, squaring her shoulders.

Coult had stepped into the barn and immediately saw Scarlett. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he growled, annoyance present in both his tone and facial expressions. Scarlett had known and expected this.

"I came back," she said, walking up to him

"What are you doing here, Scarlett?" he asked again, getting angry. "I don't want you here. We are over. I'm engaged."

Scarlett stepped right up to him and began tracing a nail down his muscular chest.

"Oh, Coulty, you know you missed me."

Coult swatted her hand away from his chest, angry that she had the audacity to even place a foot on his ranch.

"Get off my ranch," he growled. Coult turned to take a step out of the barn when Scarlett's lips attacked his.

She pressed with such force that Coult thought he was going to fall backward. Without thinking, his arms wrapped around her waist to keep his balance. She pulled back quickly while keeping his bottom lip between her teeth. Having his lip stuck between her teeth kept Coult's body flushed against Scarlett's. 

After a moment Coult decided this game of hers had gone on long enough. His hand reached up and grabbed her jaw, forcing her mouth to open and release his lip. He had never believed in violence towards a woman, she he restrained himself to a gentle push to remove Scarlett from his personal space.

"Get off my ranch," he said again. 

Coult turned and walked out of the barn without looking back.

Scarlett took another drag of her cigarette and made a bowing motion wit hehr hand, in a way congratulating herself on a job well done.

Nolan had been hiding in the back stall, waiting to capture a picture of them in an intimate embrace, but they walked away with something better.

Apparently, according to Nolan, his little bitch of a fiancee had seen the kiss and ran off before she could hear his threatening words. Their plan had worked better than expected. Nolan was so excited and happy that he had pulled the car over half way to the motel and fucked her out in the open. 

Scarlett stubbed out the butt of her cigarette before slipping out of bed and heading to the shower. The next step of the plan was all Nolan, all she had to do was wait and see.


Flannery had woken up the next morning sore and sad. Coult had woken her up twice since she had went to sleep to make love to her. She hadn't the heart to deny him.

Even when she knew he was nothing but a cheating bastard, he had her heart. 

The last time they made love was in the early morning, as the sun was rising. He head kissed her repeatedly and told her he would be back in a month. Flannery cried herself back to sleep.

She showered and changed, even left on the engagement ring. She knew she wasn't emotionally ready to part with it. The next month was going to be hard. She had voice lessons to teach and big decisions to make. 

Flannery sat out on the porch after consuming breakfast. She sipped on her cup of coffee and listened to the wind blow through the trees. The ranch was so quiet with everyone gone. Even Alice had travelled to go visit family. 

She had two students to teach today, she had three but one had cancelled. She knew it was going to be hard but also knew it would be good because it would get her mind off of Coult. Oh, Coult. 

She thought he was different. She thought that finally life was going to begin good and stay good. Now, all she had was bitterness.


Flannery sat in the parlor with a small glass of whiskey. She never was much of a drinker, but she figured now would be a better time than any to indulge. 

The whole day had felt like it was moving in slow motion. Her students were self absorbed and needy, the ranch was too quiet, she was getting hot flashes from no doubt being dehydrated from crying. 

Flannery slammed the glass down on the coffee table and was about to stomp upstairs to cry in the warm bath tub when the door bell sounded. 

She walked to the entry way and opened the door. 

There stood a tall man with black hair and green eyes. He was tall and handsome, not as handsome as Coult. Flannery kicked herself mentally for immediately comparing him to her cheating fiance. 

"Yes?" she asked, slightly agitated that someone was interrupting her crying time.

"Hi, ma'am. I was wondering if Frank was available?" he asked. He shifted back and forth on his feet, seemingly nervous. In his right hand he carried a suitcase. Why would someone be looking for Frank at this time of night?

"Oh, Frank's on a cattle drive. He'll be gone for a month. Is everything alright?" she asked. Hopefully nothing was wrong.

"Shit," the man muttered, his head dropping.

"Is everything okay?" she asked concerned.

"Yes. Well, no. Everything's not okay. I just got fired from my last job and I know Frank said whenever I needed a job I had one here. But he's not here and it wouldn't be polite to expect you to-"

Flannery cut him off before he could continue.

"I'm sure if Frank said you could pick up work here he meant it. The bunk house is over there. He'll be back in a month. Just help around. Robbie, he lives in the bunkhouse, is running everything temporarily. I'm sure he could put you to work."

The man's face opened into a large smile.

"Thank you so much, ma'am!" he said. He lifted his suit case and turned to walk down the steps. Before he made it to the first step he turned back to Flannery.

"I'm sorry, ma'am but I never caught your name?"

Flannery smiled at the man, enjoying his nice manners and gentle smile.

"Flannery," she answered, stretching out a hand.

"Beautiful name, Flannery," he answered, taking her hand and giving it a soft shake.

"And yours?"

The man smiled and leaned in.



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