Chapter 15 Advertisement

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Flannery could barely contain her excitement as she sat in the passenger seat of Coult's truck. They were on their way to town to place an ad in the local paper advertising voice lessons.

"Calm down, kitten," Coult said chuckling. In all honesty, he didn't want her to calm down. He was so excited that she was excited. She hadn't stopped smiling since he told her about his idea of her living at the ranch.

He had to stop himself earlier in the kitchen from bending down on one knee and proposing right there. He knew if he had down that, regardless of her answer, he would have swung her over his shoulder and carried her to his bed. Coult knew it wasn't the right time yet, so he bite his tongue.

Flannery chatted his ear off about all the music books she needed to order while Coult pulled into a vacant parking spot outside the newspapers offices. Coult opened Flannery's door for you and helped her inside. 


Emma's eyes fluttered open to reveal a drooling Danny. He was laying beside her with one arm tucked firmly around her waist. 

She laughed to herself as the sexiest man she had ever met drooled on her pillow.

She knew he was a man that had gotten around town, but she couldn't afford to be in that kind of relationship again. She had been burned too many times. She had believed Danny when he said there'd be no other woman except her, but she was so afraid of getting her heart broken.

Emma slowly eased Danny's arm up from underneath her and slid out of the bed. She praised the Lord above when he grunted and turned over, still fast asleep. 

She reached down on the floor and slipped his t-shirt over her head and quickly and quietly made her way to the kitchen. She knew Danny would be hungry when he woke up. 

She pulled eggs, cheese, bacon and milk out of the fridge and began to prepare omelettes. When she felt a tongue lick up the side of her neck. She giggled but remained facing the counter.

"I thought you were asleep," she said, as she began cracking eggs into a bowl.

Danny slid his hands up her thighs and rested them under his shirt on her waist.

"I don't like waking up without you next to me," he said, as he continued to pepper kisses up and down her neck.

"I figured you needed your rest to keep up with me for the next few rounds," Emma said, smiling to herself. She knew she was baiting him, and she loved it. Emma loved nothing more than dangling herself in front of Danny and then enjoying the love making that followed.

"Keep up with you?" Danny said. His hands tightened on her naked waist.

"Yeah, baby, you seemed a little slow earlier. And then you just fell asleep." Emma bit her lip, trying to hold in the laughter.

She felt Danny growl behind her and before she knew what was happening, his arm shot out in front of her and pushed all of the food off the granite counter and on to the wood floor.

"Danny!" she yelled. She didn't mind being ravished, hell she encouraged it, but he was making a mess!

Danny pulled his shirt off of her and pressed her upper body down on the cold counter. Emma gasped as her nipples made contact with the bitter cold surface, her nipples hardening even more. 

His hands traveled down from her neck, making little circles as they moved south to her delectable derriere.

"Danny," she moaned, her hands gripping the edge of the counter behind her. She needed him badly.

"What was that sweet bottom?" he purred, laying kisses ever so gently down her back. 

Without warning a hand came crashing down on her backside. Emma shrieked, stood up and turned to face Danny, who was wearing a shit-eating-grin.

"How dare you!" she said as she pushed him away from her. "Don't you ever spank me again!" 

Danny laughed and picked her up in his arms. He kissed her with all that he had as he made he was to the wall on the other side of the room.

"My stamina is just fine, sweet bottom, don't ever forget it," he said as he pressed her up against the wall. Emma felt his shaft poke at her pearl and she began to whimper for him.

"Please, Danny," she moaned, raking her nails down his back.

"Please what?" he asked pulling a nipple into his mouth.

"Take me," she whispered into his ear. 

Danny couldn't hold back any longer. He entered her fast and hard. She cried out for him as he pounded into her again and again.

Before long Emma found her release and screamed his name. Danny followed soon after and then helped her clean up her kitchen.


Flannery shook Dean Carter's hand, the editor of Eagle's News, sealing the deal for not only an advertising slot in the paper, but voice lessons for his sixteen year old daughter.

"The girls got a voice, I know it!" he said enthusiastically. 

"I can't wait to work with her," Flannery said smiling. She knew that most of the students she would get might not have any talent at all, but Flannery knew most of them would be driven and would work hard and that's all she cared about.

Flannery stepped out of the building and scanned the vicinity for Coult. He had dropped her off at Mr. Carter's office and then told her he needed to pick up a few things and would meet her outside the building. 

Flannery made her way over to one of the wooden benches near the parking lot and sat down.

Life was working out just fine, she thought, with a big smile on her face. She had a good man, she had the bad men out of her life, she was going to be teaching. She felt so free and liberated. 

Flannery was soaking in her pleasure when he phone began to ring. Frowning, she opened her purse and pulled out her phone. Who would be calling her?

"Mom?" she answered.


omg so short! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long! another chapter tomorrow I promise! do you guys like hearing about emma and danny? next chapter will be mostly flannery and coult!

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