Chapter 8 Person From the Past

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Flannery was on cloud nine. Last night had been so wonderful. After Coult had kissed her, he had walked her up to her room and wished her a good night.

Flannery set the last plate on the table for breakfast and waited for the men to come in. She knew that an unspoken bound had formed between both Coult and Flannery, and she knew that she was going to have to tell him about the baby soon. 

Just thinking about the baby made her smile. She placed a hand on her stomach and felt her heart jump for joy. Would it be a boy? A girl? 

Flannery knew that even though Coult was attracted to her, he may walk away after he hears about the baby. 

"Mornin'!" Robbie called, entering the kitchen. Flannery greeted Robbie along with the hands and made sure that there was enough food to go around. 

After all the men had their fill and left, Coult came in.

They both sat in silence, just eating and enjoying the others company.

"What are you doin' this Friday night?" Coult asked, standing up and clearing his plate. Flannery felt a blush steal across her face.

"Nothing" she answered as she began to clean the dishes.

"How would you like to go dancing? The bar downtown, Rudy's, plays live music Friday nights. We could grab a beer," Coult said, hoping to God she said yes.

Flannery felt the walls close in. No! She couldn't tell him yet but she knew he would know something's wrong if she didn't say yes. Shit!

"Um.. well, I don't know-" Flannery stuttered after a long pause, focusing on the dishes in front of her.

"It's fine. Just forget it.," Coult said walking out of the kitchen. 

Coult stomped over to the barn and quickly saddled his horse. He called out to his father that he was going to for a ride, and sped off in the opposite direction of Flannery.

He couldn't believe how much his heart hurt! Her rejection was worse than anything else he'd ever felt in his entire life! 


Flannery stood in the kitchen looking at the spot that Coult had been occupying minutes ago. Dammit! she thought. I should've just told him!

Flannery was so lost in ideas of how to tell Coult that she didn't hear the phone ring. She rushed over and quickly picked it up.


"Flannery? Is that you?" said a familiar voice.

"Alice! Yes it's me! How are you?" Flannery asked.

"Honey, we might have a problem..."


Beau was sitting on the plane checking out the flight attendants well endowed backside while fantasizing about the conversation he was going to have with Flannery when he saw her. He didn't even feel bad about breaking in to that crappy clinic she went to for a help when she realized she was pregnant. He knew there was something that fat nurse wasn't telling him.

Beau grinned to himself and took a sip of his gin and tonic. All he had to do now was pay little Flannery a visit...


Flannery wore a hole in the rug of her bedroom, attempting to decide how to deal with the Beau situation.

Alice had informed her that the clinic had been broken into and her file was missing. 

"I wouldn't have thought a minute about it," said Alice, "but I had a receipt for those tickets and a copy of the email I sent to Coult. Honey, somethin's not right with that boy. Trust me. Go and tell Coult, he'll take care of you."

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