Joey made his way to his favorite place, the theater. Every morning Joey would wake up before the entire campus and head to the theater. Some mornings he would go to the Power Center and belt songs at the top of his lungs, or he would go to the small studio one theater and re-enacted scenes from one of his groups shows. But this morning Joey decided to sit in the middle of the power center and admire the beauty of the stage.
Joey looked around the theater taking in its beauty. Then all of a sudden a door on the stage flung open and 2 men and a woman walked out on the stage. Joey leaped to the floor, knowing if he go cought he would get in trouble. Joey peaked over the seat in front of him and watched what was going on.
"Miss Ferlend, I hope this stage will work for you." Joey realized he knew who the men were, director of the Music department, Mr. Newman. The other man was Dean Grason.
Ferlend, Ferlend? Where have I heard that before? Joey thought to himself.
"Look I don't need much, I don't even need this." The woman said to the men then crossed down stage.
"Miss. Ferlend, us here at The University of Michigan are honored to have such a fine musician as yourself, choose our school to fulfill your final year of school." Dean Grason said
"But why do you want me to perform so badly?" The woman said covering her face with her hand.
"Bella, that's Bella." Joey wispered to himself.
"Because, we want to show the whole world how amazing our prized pupil is." Mr. Newman said.
"Fine, I'll do it. But only under my terms." Bella told them.
"Of course." The two men said in unison.
"No, fancy lighting, just me and my violin, cello, guitar, and piano. Nothing fancy, and do not force the entire campus to come, deal?" She asked extending her hand.
Hump Darren can play more that and he wasant treated like royalty. Joey thought to himself
"Deal." The men said then each shook her hand and left feeling satisfied about themselves.
Joey stayed crouched down behind the seat, watching Bella. She walked in a circle around the stage then sat on the edge and let her feet dangle off the edge. Her red hair was curled and she wore a black top with skinny jeans and black boots. Joey was so into watching her that he didn't realize that his foot had fallen asleep. Joey fell to the floor making a loud thud.
"Hello!" Bella called as she jumped to her feet. "Is there somebody in here."
"Ouch." Joey said then got to his feet. "Uh sorry."
"Roy?" She said from the stage.
"Uh it's Joey." He said walking to her.
"How long have you been in here?"
"The entire time. I'm sorry it's just that in the mornings I always either goto studio one and mess around, or here." Joey explained to her.
"No its fine." She said.
"Well, it's almost 8:30, I need to be heading off if I don't want to be late." Joey said clasping his hands together then running off.
"I can play more instruments than her, and I was never given the power center to hold a concert!" Darren exclamed through the computer screen.
"That's what I thought to my self." Joey told him.
"Okay this girl has to be the shit, Darren hand me my laptop we are going to look her up." Lauren said. Darren handed Lauren her laptop and she opened it up. "Okay let's try the University of Minnesota website. What's here name again?" Lauren asked.
"Bella Ferlend." Joey told them.
"Bella Ferlend the-" Lauren began but was cut off.
"No let me read it please." Darren said taking the laptop. "Bella Ferlend the Musical star of The University of Minnesota, has transferred schools her senior year of collage. Some romurs have flew maybe the University of Michigan is promising her things, or paying her. Or maybe some scandals went down here that forced her to move. What ever the case she will be missed." Darren concluded.
"Scandals?" Joey said scratching his head.
"Well I do know someone from the University of Minnesota and she was telling me about how some drama had just went down." Lauren explained to the boys.
"She just looks to sweet to have been cought up in a bunch of drama." Joey told them.
"The sweet ones are the most deadliest." Darren said, as Lauren rolled her eyes.
"Well maybe, but hey on a different note, where is everyone else?" Joey asked.
"Well Jaime has been feeling sick lately, and Joe and Dylan are on dates." Lauren told Joey.
"So me and Lauren have our place to ourselves finally." Darren said wrapping his arm around Lauren and kissing her on the cheek.
"Well I'm happy for you two, I'll just leave you guys alone." Joey told them.
"Joey man, you don't have to." Darren said.
"Yea we don't mind your company." Lauren said.
"No, I'll go you guys have fun."
"Bye Joey." They both said in unison, then Joey shut his laptop ending his conversation.

STARKID Senior Year
FanfictionPoor Joey, all of his friends graduated from the University of Michigan the previous year, and Joey has to make the best if his lonesome senior year. Yea sure he still has friends but it just wasant like the last year. Read as Joey is forced to expa...