Joey sat down in his advanced theater class. Arguably it was his favorite class of the day, he usually is in the edge of his seat but today he was in a whole diffrent world.
For the past few days he couldn't get Penelope put of his head. He wondered what she looked like without the braids and the glasses. Joey was lost in his own thoughts.
"Mr. Richter, Mr. Richter." Mrs. Peters called, she was a more older woman but man she could teach theater in a new and exciting way.
"Huh?" Joey said startled, making some of the other kids laugh at him.
"Mr. Richter, do you have your monologue picked out for your final exam?" She asked him.
"Oh, yes mam." He said straightening up in his seat, and digging through his bag. He pulled out a couple sheets of paper and handed it to her.
"Hamlet, wise choice for your dramatic reading." She said handing the papers back to him, and moving on.
When the clock his 12:30 he was out of there. He headed down to the cafeteria and picked up some lunch, but then took it back to his dorm.
Evan and Joeys schedules were polar opposites. Everytime Joey had a break in his class Evan would be in class. And everytime Evan had a break in class Joey would be in class. So it wasant a surprise to Joey that when he walked in he was alone.
Joey sat his food in his bed and grabbed his phone of his night stand. His phone has almost one hundred unread messages all from Darrens saying. Skype? Big news! Joey opened up his laptop and called his friends.
"I still don't see it." Walker said when the call picked up. They were all sitting on the couch crowded around Darren and Lauren. They had no clue Joey was there.
"Uh what are you guys doing?" Joey asked. Every head turned at once and looked at the computer screen, it almost was a little creepy.
"Look, look, look, look, look!" Darren said rushing to the camera with a picture in his hand."
"What am I looking at?" Joey asked.
"It's the baby, we had our first check up today and they did a sonogram and we got to see our baby." Lauren informed him.
"I don't see it." Joey said looking at the pictures witch was held in front of the camera.
"Exactly!" Joey could hear Walker yell in the background.
"Look," Darren said then took the picture down and then he put it back up but with his finger pointed at, what Joey thought was nothing.
"I still don't see it." Joey said.
"How can you guys not see it!" Darren exclamed then walked off from in front of the camera.
"So what's up with you?" Meredith said sitting down I front of the camera.
"Oh nothing much. I got a part in a show." He told them.
"Really, what show?" Dylan asked.
"You guys remember Penelope, right?" Joey asked them, they all nodded there head, Darren came back into view and sat down beside Lauren. "Well she wrote this two person show, and I was the only one who showed up to her audition."
"Awe, I always liked her, I thought she was a real sweet girl." Jaime said.
"Yea, she is... but I don't know." Joey said then look over at the script The Tale Of a Kingdom.
"Wait a second I thought you were crushing on Bella." Lauren said to Joey.
"No, I do not have a crush on Bella, she turned out to be... just... just someone I didn't think she was." Joey said not wanting to dig more into this.
"What about Penelope?" Lauren asked.
"No, I don't have a crush on Penelope." Joey said trying not to get agitated with his friends.
"Then why are you in her show?" Meredith asked him.
"Well I auditioned for the part. I auditioned and won by default because nobody else was there!" Joey said starting to loose his temper. He took a deep breth and tried to regain his cool. "I need to go rehearse my monologue fo my final exam, I'll talk to you later." He said coldly then shut his laptop.
It was after hours on campus there were some people out, headed to get dinner probably. But Joey was on a mission. He zipped up the zipper on his jacket as high as it could go and pulled his hood up when the snow began to fall. More people began to come out and mess around in the snow. But Joey trudged along.
Joey kicked his shoes on the side of the building trying to get most of the snow off, the took off his hood and walked inside the theater building. There were a few people in the building they tried to talk to Joey but he blew them off. With every step he took the louder his heart became and the more he didn't want to do what he was about to do. He stood out side the studio one door and shut his eyes then open the door.
"Joey!" Penelope called from the stage, very excited to see him. "Come here I want to show you something."
Joey opened his eyes. Penelope's hair was down. With her hair being in a braids all day, her long hair was wavy and beautiful, she wore a University of Michigan hoodie and some sweatpants and a beanie, her glases rested at the tip of nose, then she pushed them back up. Joey felt almost starstruck, she was beautiful. With every step to the stage his heart became heavier and heavier. He sat down on the edge of the stage near her.
"Look!" She said then pushed some drawings towards him. "These are the costumes, what do you think?"
"There great." Joey said barely looking at them then handing them back.
"Are you okay?" Penelope asked sitting down and moving closer to him.
"I can't be in your show."

STARKID Senior Year
FanfictionPoor Joey, all of his friends graduated from the University of Michigan the previous year, and Joey has to make the best if his lonesome senior year. Yea sure he still has friends but it just wasant like the last year. Read as Joey is forced to expa...