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While Joey was on his way back to his dorm Darren and Lauren were in side. Darren sat on the bed while Lauren used the bathroom.

"Well?" Darren said jumping up. Lauren hung her head and softly began to cry. Darren rushed to her side and hugged her tight. He ran his fingers through her hair trying to calm her. "Everything is going to be fine, I'm here and I'm not leaving."

"Everything is ruined." She said. Darren wiped the tear from under her eye and tucked a loose strand of hair being her ear.

"Nothing is ruined." Darren told her in a calming tone.

"Yes this is going to put a stop on our lives."

"No it won't, sure it's going to be hard but, we can do it, as long as we stay together." Darren said as he took Laurens hand and sat on the bed and she sat beside him.

"What about everyone else?" Lauren asked him. "I'm not ready to tell."

"Then it will be our secret untill your ready." Darren said then kissed Laurens forehead.

"I fucked it up." Joey said barging in to the room breaking the couple apart. "What's going on here."

"Nothing." Darren shot back a little bit to fast.

"What happened?" Lauren asked.

"Bella, she went in for a kiss and I freaked out and ran away." Joey said running his hand through his hair.

"No." Darren said.

"Yea, I fucked it up big time." Joey said then sat on his bed beside Lauren.

"Maybe you should go and talk to her about it tomorrow." Lauren said then placed her hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you guys, you look like you've seen a ghost." Joey asked them.

"Nothings wrong were just ... tired." Darren answered.

"No, I know you two, usually if I were to come back with this information you would hate on me, and now your being sympathetic, something is going on." Joey said standing up and walking in front of him.

"Nothing is wrong. We need to be heading to our hotel." Darren said taking Laurens hand and standing up.

"Please you guys, I'm your best friend, tell me what's up." Joey pleaded with them.

"We would if something was wrong." Lauren said, then they walked out the door.


The morning was greeted by a sheet of snow on the ground, the first snow of the school year. Joey opened his eyes and everything that happened that previous night flooded into his head. He shot up out of his bed and made his way to the bathroom.

Meanwhile down the road at a hotel express Darren Criss was trying to calm down his girlfriend who was having a panic attack.

"How could I be so stupid, I don't want anyone to know." Lauren said as she paced back and forth.

"Lauren please explain to me what's wrong." Darren said walking up to her and taking her hands.

"Last night, I left the pregnancy stick in Joeys trash can he's going to find it and know, and then he will tell the others, I dont want them to know yet, I don't want anyone to know yet."

"Shit Lauren, I'll fix this." Darren promised her then kissed her on the cheek.

Joey stepped out of the shower and wrapped his towel around him and went over to his mirror. He grabbed his toothbrush and rinsed it under the water then put the toothpaste on. He stared at himself in the mirror, then something cought his eyes.

I changed the trash can before I left yeaterday, how is there something in it.

He spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and made his way to the trash can.

"A pregnancy test?" He said to himself. He opened the box and pulled out a positive pregnancy test. "Oh my God." He said softly then dropped it back in the bin. He quickly got dressed and left his dorm.

Darren guided Lauren to the bed and layed her down. "You stay here and I'll go to Joeys dorm and get it and nobody will ever know." Darren told her. She nodded her head and Darren gave her a quick peck on the lips then made his way to the door.

"Joey?!" Darren said in shock when he opened the door up.

"How could you guys not tell me." Joey said hurt.

"Joey I-" Darren began but was cut off.

"I'm your best friend." He said.

"Joey I wasant ready." Lauren said walking up to Darrens side. Joey walked in and sat on the bed. "I didn't mean to leave the test at your place." Lauren said then began to cry. "I'm just so scared." She said then buried her face into Darren.

"Look don't tell anyone please." Darren begged.

"I won't I swear." Joey told him. "Are you going to keep it?" Joey asked. Darren looked at Lauren because he didn't know the answer either.

"Yes." Lauren said then wiped a tear from under her eye.

"And I will stay with you untill the end." Darren said then kissed her passionately.

"I'm behind you two, one hundred percent, and I'll keep this secret as long as you need me to." Joey said and Darren and Lauren smiled at him.

"How did we get so lucky as to get such a great friend as you." Lauren said then gave him a hug.

"I'm gonna go I need to go talk to Bella." Joey said then left there hotel room and made his way back to the university of Michigan.

Joeys heart was heavy. He worried for his friends were they going to be able to take care if a baby. And mor importantly could he keep there secret?

Joey has never been good with secrets, ever since Darren gave him the cast list of AVPM and told him 'Do not, I repeat NOT tell anyone it's a surprise.' Joey couldn't hold it in he started off by telling Rosenthal, because they had US History together, he told him not to tell anyone, and he didn't. The next day at lunch he was sitting with Meredith, and because she wasant in the show, he thought it was safe to tell her. But boy was he wrong Meredith is a gossip mill. Joey showed Meredith the cast list, and she showed Jaime, who showed Dylan, who showed Walker, who forgot about it and went to bed and remember the next day and told Jim, who told Moses, who told Lilly and Devin during there math class, who filled in Sango, who told Julia, who told Lauren, who became upset at her boyfriend because he didn't tell her first. Let's just say as long as Darren was in the dog house with Lauren, Joey was in the dog house with him.

Joey entered the campus gates and saw a Bella walk across the park linked arms with Tony Willard the star quarterback. Joeys insides felt like they were melting. Joey ducked his head and made his way back to his dorm.

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