"Bella?" Joey said surprised.
"Look, just come to my show tomorrow and meet me after the sho and I will explain everything." Bella said the left as fad as she came.
The chilling Michigan winds blew as Joey made his way to the Power Center. He didn't want to go to Bella's concert, but ever since there chat one line had been stuck in his head, when she said I can't help myself.
Joey walked in and took a seat in the back. He watched and the theater quickly filled up. From across the room Joey saw Penelope walk in dressed in one of her classic 70's themed outfits. She sat down by herself. Joey quickly got up and made his way over to her before anyone else could take the seat near her.
"Is this seat taken?" He asked timidly. Penelope looked up at Joey and shook her head.
"I'm sorry if I acted harsh the other day." Penelope said giving Joey a smile.
"I've been thinking, I was stupid for leaving your show, I was scared I was falling in love with you, and if you will have me I'd like to be in your show again." Joey confessed. Penelope's face turned pink and a smile grew across her face.
"What did you say?" She asked as she placed her hand on his.
Joeys face turned red, "Um I said I'd like to be in your show again if you will take me."
"No, before that, you said you were scared you were falling in love with me."
"Uh, well can you blame me?" Joey said smiling. Penelope moved her hand so that they could intertwine there fingers together. Penelope rested back in her seat with a smile on her face, as Joey tightened the grip on her hand, as if to tell her he's not going anywhere, then sat back in his chair and watched and the concert began.
Bella walked out onto the stage dressed in a solid black dress. A man dressed in a black button up and pants brought out her violin, then quickly exited the stage.
Bella began to play, and her music filled the theater.
The show ended and hour and thirty minutes later. Bella stood up from her piano stool and took a bow then thanked the audience for coming.
"Hey, I have to go do something real quick. Why don't you hang out around here somewhere and I'll meet you in a bit and we can go get some coffee." Joey said to Penelope.
"Okay." She said with a smile.
Joey ran onto the stage and off to the back to find Bella. He knocked on her dressing room door. The door sprang open and Bella stood like a deer in the headlights.
"You wanted to talk." Joey said clearing his throat.
"Oh yea, um come in." She said then moved aside and let him in.
"So" Joey said clasping his hands and sitting in a chair.
"Okay, let's just get down to the business at hand here." Bella paced around for a bit then took a deep breath and began to speak. "I am twenty years old, I come from a very wealthy family I was expected to marry rich and never do any hard work. And till I was thirteen I was fine with that, but then I decided I wanted to go to college. My parents said it was fine, I mean we are loaded, they wipe there asses with fifty dollar bills. One day when I was seventeen I had a horrible fight with my parents, and that wasn't uncommon, then I went to piano class and I wanted to get revenge on them, so I had sex with my sixty year old teacher."
Joey felt like he needed to have a glass of water in his hands so he could do a spit take when she said that. "Oh yes, because that's the obvious thing to do." Joey said not wanting to believe what he was hearing.
"Oh don't judge me we all have our kinks, mine just happens to me Older men."
"But you were under age, did he not care it was oh I don't know illegal?" Joey said starting to get grossed out.
"No, it was our secret. Anyways so I told my parents I wanted to go to college and I wanted to go someplace far away from my family so I went to Minnesota, and you fill in the blanks till the end."
"But why would you... how could you... nope I don't want to know." Joey said standing up. "Look I'm just gonna go." And before Bella could say another crazy word Joey was out the door.
Joey walked out into the lobby where he found Penelope was waiting for him.
"Are you ready to go?" Joey asked, trying to forget about his crazy conversation he had just had.
"Sure." Penelope said taking Joeys hand making his insides catch on fire. They walked out side keeping close to one another to stay warm. "Joey stop." Penelope said stopping in the snow.
"Penelope its freezing, lets go inside, where its warm, and the drinks are warm." Joey said, standing in the freezing weather.
"Its beautiful."
"Yea, it is." Joey said looking at Penelope. Joey leaned into Penelope to kiss her.
"What are you doing?"
"Just be still." Joey said chuckling.
It felt like nothing Joey ever felt before. As soon as his lips touched hers, the angels from heaven just started singing. His heart skipped a beat and all the nervousness and worry he had felt before suddenly disappeared. He slowly stopped and looked into her eyes and smiled.
Penelope giggled then said, "Kissing you Joey Richter will give me frost bite."

STARKID Senior Year
FanficPoor Joey, all of his friends graduated from the University of Michigan the previous year, and Joey has to make the best if his lonesome senior year. Yea sure he still has friends but it just wasant like the last year. Read as Joey is forced to expa...