Wedding Day Part Two

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Joey and Darren arrived at Darren's parents house one hour before the wedding.

And an irritated Jaime was there to greet them at the drive way.

"What the fuck Darren, you have one hour!" Jaime yelled, as the two boys ran out of the car and started up the drive way.

"I know, I know, how is Lauren?" Daren said stopping and turning to Jaime.

"She is good, she doesn't know that you left, and about her parents, well she is, handling it."

Darren nodded his head and ran inside to get dressed.

"What happened?" Jaime asked stopping Joey before he could go inside.

"He went, a-and told them off, but oddly politely."

"He politely told off her parents?"

Joey nodded his head.

"Okay, well enough of the bad stuff, you need to get dressed." Jaime said shoving Joey into the house.


The back yard of Darren's old child hood home was decorated elegantly. Rows of chairs lined up, making a aisle down the middle with a light pink rug laid down leading up to the alter. The chairs were filled with Darren's family and there friends. None of Lauren's family dared to show up. Darren looked out the glass doors of the kitchen at the crowd of people in his old back yard.

"How are you feeling?" Joey asked startling his friend.

Darren sighed. "Guilty, this is all my family."

"Darren, they made there choice." Joey said desperately wanting to cheer up his friend.

But Darren just sighed once more.

The sound of heals clomping down the stairs startled the boys, they turned there heads around to see Jaime running towards them with Brian, Joe, and Dylan following behind her.

"Okay, Darren are you ready. It's time to get this show in the road!" Jaime said giving him a big smile.

Darren smiled thinking about what was about to happen and quit thinking about the problems, and focused on how these niece couple of minutes would change his life forever.

Darren opened the glass doors and walked out. All the commotion stopped and all eyes became fixed in Darren. He had done tons of shows and performed for hundreds of people and nerves had never come over him. Until now.

The simple classical music began to play and the glass doors opened once more and Joe walked out with Jaime linked around his arm. Joey gave Darren a 'you can do this smile' then took his place standing beside his best friend. Brian walked out with Meredith, and Joe with Julia. Finally Dylan walked out solos throwing some flower pearled down, causing a few people to chuckle.

The chords for here comes the bride began and everyone stood up. The glass doors opened one last time and Lauren glided out. Darren saw Lauren and his eyes swelled up. She had never been more beautiful to him.

Darren and Lauren exchanged their vows and their wasn't a dry eye left. They exchanged the I do's and slid a golden band on each other. Then kissed a kiss that caused the whole place to erupt with cheering. This was now real and the two were married.


Joey stood up from his chair beside Darren, it was time for his best man speech. Joey took his glass and tapped the glass and the room fell silent.

"To Darren and Lauren, first off congratulations." Joey said the everyone gave a small round of applause for the newlyweds. "Darren you were the first friend I made at Michigan. I was nervous and scared, but you were bright and welcoming. You made me feel like I could fit in. Then I met Lauren, she always saw me as a baby."

"And I still do!" Lauren interjected, causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm so happy for you two. And that child of yours is literally going to be the most talented child alive." The whole room laughed once more. "So here's to Mr. and Mrs. Criss, may you live happily ever after."

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