"I can not stand it anymore!" Joey said slamming his fist down on the desk at the housing building. "This roommate of mine is horrible, last night he came in at 3-"
"But campus curfew is at 11." The woman calmly stated.
"Yes but every night for the past month he has come in at 3 or 2 in the morning, and last night was my breaking point."
"What happened sir."
Joey took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I had a paper due for English today, it was a 24 page essay that I had been working on for a week. He came in took my laptop, opened it up and in trying to click out of my paper and erased it, then looked up PORN! I want a note getting me out of that paper explaining why I can't turn my paper in. I am not failing because of my roommate. I want a new one, or switch me out with someone I don't care. I just don't want to be around him."
The woman behind the desk sat with her mouth gaped not believing what she was hearing.
"Well sir we cant-"
"I pay good money to go to this school, I want a new roommate. You can kick him out of school, I'm sure he is falling." Joey said trying not to yell.
"Sir, I will see what I can do. Good day." She said trying to shoo him out of the office.
"My paper, what about my paper?!" Joey yelled at the woman.
"Well I-"
"I want a written excuse from the Dean. Now, my class starts in about 20 minutes." Joey said cutting the woman off.
"Well Dean Grason is in a meeting and can't be bothered."
"Fix it!" Joey yelled at the woman. She scrambled out if her desk and ran off to the Deans office.
Joey sat in the chair closest to Dean Grason office, and tried to listen.
"Mr. Grason, do you have a moment?" The woman asked.
"Yes yes Kelly, what is it." Dean Grason said.
"Um well its Mr. Richter." Kelly said.
"Yes, what about him."
"He wants a new roommate."
"Is he still?"
"Yes sir, but it's gotten worse." Kelly told him.
"What happened now." Dean Grason asked, and Kelly told to him everything that Joey had told her. There was a small pause once she was finished. "I told my sister that I would give him a free ride to college, but he had to do the work, and he hasn't, he's failing all of his classes. Send Mr. Richter in please."
Joey straightened himself up in his chair and tried to make himself look as if he wasant listening.
"Mr. Richter, Dean Grason would like a word with you." Kelly said. Then walked back to her desk. Joey stood up and walked into Dean Grason office.
"Mr. Richter, how are you." Dean said as Joey entered the room.
"I'm doing fine." Joey said nervously.
"Have a seat my boy, I'd like to have a word with you." Joey nodded his head and sat down. "Evan is my nephew."
"I'm sorry sir but who is Evan?" Joey asked.
"Your roommate."
"Oh, he's never spoken to me, never even introduced himself."
"I'd like to apologize about him, and your paper I will have that cleared up for you."
"Thank you sir." Joey said then started to stand up.
"One more moment Mr. Richter." Dean Grason asked and Joey sat back down. "Last year we saw how nice and neat yours and your friend Darrens dorm was always kept, I saw that you were a nice kid and I thought that you could change my nephew, but it wasn't you, Evan just can't be changed. I have no choice but to kick him out."
Joey sat there and for once he felt pity for Evan, and Joey knew he wasant going to give up on him.
"Wait, Dean Grason, give him another chance. I'll help him tutor him, just don't flunk him out." Joey pleaded.
"Mr. Richter I can't, his scores are bring then entire schools scores down." Dean Grason said.
"Please one more chance. Give him a month and if his grades haven't improved then you can flunk him." Joey said with wide eyes, praying that Dean Grason would give Evan another chance.
"One more chance and one more month, deal." Dean Grason said then extended his hand.
"Deal." Joey said a bit to eagerly, and took his hand and shook it.
"Good day Mr. Richter, oh your note for you paper." Dean Grason said then scribbled something down on a pice of paper and handed it to Joey. Joey took the paper and thanked Dean Grason then left.
The cool Michigan fall quickly began to get colder, and it was just the middle of October. Joey walked back to his dorm with a new sense of pride in himself. Dean Grason had thought that he could change a person, help this person to become a role model citizen. The more Joey walked the path and thought about his and Evans proper meeting the more excited he got.
Joey reached his dorm building and opened the door and walked in. He walked up 2 flights of stairs till he reached his floor. He pulled the key to his room out and unlocked the door. He threw is bag and the desk and sat on his bed. He pulled out his phone and checked for messages from his friends. None. He pulled out his laptop and opened up Skype and called Darrens account.
"Hey Joey!" Lauren said answering the call. She looked relaxed, she had her hair put up in a bun,and she wore one of Darrens university of Michigan shirts with some yoga pants.
"Hey Lauren, where's Darren." Joey asked her
"Out with the guys." She informed him.
"Oh well why isint anyone over to keep you company?"
"I'm sick." She told him.
"I don't believe you, you look just as chipper and ever." Joey told her.
"No, I feel like shit, but I'm putting on a happy face. So what's up, you did call."
"Oh well," Joey stopped because he could hear some one at the door, it had to be Evan. "Got to go, bye."
"What, Joey wait!" Lauren said but he shut the laptop.
The door opened and in Evan had walked.
STARKID Senior Year
FanficPoor Joey, all of his friends graduated from the University of Michigan the previous year, and Joey has to make the best if his lonesome senior year. Yea sure he still has friends but it just wasant like the last year. Read as Joey is forced to expa...