The Money Tree

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Joey packed his bag to head home for Christmas. This last week was probably one of the worst weeks ever. Last Friday Joey told Penelope he couldn't be in her show, and ever since that conversation replayed over and over in his head, haunting him.

"Oh." Penelope said as her eyes started to fill with tears, she turned away from Joey so he couldn't see her.

"Penelope I... I just..." Joey said trying to come up with a reason as to why he quit. But he didn't have one.

"No, it's fine, forget it!" She said while crying then took all of her stuff and threw it in the garbage, and ran away.

Joey couldn't get the sound of her crying out of his head. He felt so bad. He walked over to his desk to get his laptop to pack it up. When he picked it up he saw Penelope's script. He picked it up and put it in his bag with his laptop.

Joey zipped up his suite case and headed for the door. A fine blanket of show covered the ground out side. He walked down the stairs and started to leave. And he was walking he looked up and saw Penelope's across the court yard. She saw Joey too. Joey gave her a weak wave. She looked away from him and walked away.

Joey continued his walk. As he walked he passed the music building. He saw Bella walking out of the building with Mr. Newman. He hadn't thought about Bella in weeks, but he was curious as to what she was doing. He slowed down and watched them out of the corrner of his eye. He saw Bella give Mr. Newman a playful laugh then she placed her hand on his cheek and gave him a wink and walked off. Joey sped up he didn't want her to see him, and at this point he just wanted to get off campus. As fast as he could.


"I told you!" Darren said the next day. Joey was hanging out at Darren and Laurens while his parents were last minute Christmas shopping. "What did I say the sweet ones are the most deadliest." Darren said in a ha ha I told you so tone.

"Lauren what was the scandal at Minnesota?" Joey asked her.

"Oh well my friend Minnie told me that some student had well been having sex with one of the professor's. She never found out who it was." Lauren told the boys.

"And then after that, Bella transfers schools. And now this! She was the girl!" Joey said

"Joey, seriously?" Lauren asked.

"No I'm with Joey, it makes sense." Darren said agreeing with his friend.

"Okay, what ever look let's forget about it dosent matter, it's not our problem. Joey your on Christmas vacation, and you had a rough week, just forget about everything and try to relax." Lauren said wanting to change to topic.

"Hey I've got an idea, Joey come help me pick out a Christmas tree." Darren said.

"Oh, can I come?" Lauren asked practaly jumping off the couch.

"No, Lauren you stay here and rest, maybe pick out the perfect spot for the tree." Darren said guiding her back to the couch. It was one week before Christmas and there apartment had no holiday sprit. Lauren rolled her eyes and sat down. Something told Joey that Darren wasant letting her do much anymore. Lauren was eight weeks pregnant, and she was showing a little, but not a whole bunch.

Darren and Joey left the apartment and headed down the stairs and to the parking lot. Darren and Joey got inside of Darrens small car.

"Darren I think you should have let Lauren come." Joey said as Darren started the car.

"Well if she came then I couldn't show you this." Darren said then pulled a ring box out of his pocket.

"Is this the engagement ring?" Joey asked taking it from him and opening it up. The ring was gorgeous, a gold band with a small dimond on top, simple, but still beautiful.

"It's cheep, I'm going to get her a better one when I get signed to a record label, or land a role on a tv show, or my big Broadway debut. Then I'll make better money and I'll be able to give her everything she deserves." Darren told him.

"I don't want to burst you bubble here, and I totally believe you can do all of those things, but how do you expect to raise a baby when your only source of income is your gigs?" Joey said not wanting to well be a bebby downer but that's how it came out.

"Well I haven't really thought about it."

"Darren man look let's not worry about that now, I'm sorry for bringing it up, let's go get a Christmas tree." Joey said. Darren took the ring back from Joey and put it in his pocket, and backed out of the parking lot and left.

The Christmas tree lot was filled with hundreds of beautiful green trees. The car ride there had been strangely quiet. Joey would say something and Darren would reply with one word answers. Joey regretted saying what he said, because now Darren was probably worried about money.

The boys got out of the car and walked to the entrance but they were stopped before they got in.

"Welcome to Santa's Christmas tree village!" A chipper teenager yelled, he was wearing an elf costume that looked two sizes to big. "There are elves around every corner to help you."

"Wow, I thought this was Christmas not Halloween." Darren muttered, the teen gave Darren a snotty look then walked away.

"Okay let's start." Joey said clasping his hands together trying to lighten the mood. "Let's see your apartment is to small for a big tree. What about medium?"

"Sure." Darren said then crossed his arms and followed Joey. The boys searched and searched for the perfect tree. Then they found it the one that made Darren smiled and forget all his worries. It was all perfect untill Darren looked at the price.

"Fifty dollars?!" Darren yelled, "Fifty dollars for a tree, that goes in your house for a week then it's taken down and next thing you know its out in the dump!"

"Darren, it's just a tree, we can get a plastic one, then you don't have to water it and it lasts for years." Joey suggested.

"No Joey, it's not about the tree." Darren said his tone was soft. "It's about the fact that I'm a failure, and now I'm going to have this kid who is gonna look up to me, and I'm going to be a loser. I won't be able to provide for my family, maybe I should call my parents and talk to them and just move in with them." Darren said as he paced back and forth.

"I was offered an audition." Joey admitted.

"Not to be rude but how is that going to help me." Darren said.

"Mrs. Peters was called and asked for her top male student. They told her he needed to be able to sing and act, and they will teach him how to dance. Mrs. Peters chose me, she gave me all the information to fill out over the holidays, but I don't think I'm what there looking for. So I want you to have it, take my audition."

"What's the show?" Darren said interested.

"Glee, it's on fox." Joey told his friend, "Now I know that it's just an audition, but it's a foot in the door."

Darren gave his friend a hug then said, "Thanks man."

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