Joey just let himself in. He walked to the living room and found Lauren sitting on the couch alone.
"Joey!" She said the ran up and hugged him.
"What's going on, are you guys telling them, did I ruin it?" Joey asked.
"Well we were going to tell but, guessing you saw the for sale sign out there." Joey nodded his head. "Well me and Darren had a plan," she said then took him to the couch and began to wisper, "we were gonna ask if we could move in, just untill we get settled with this... new lifestyle. And we'll..." There was a loud slam of a door that came from up stairs. "Well that's been happening."
"You cant sell the house!" Darren yelled. "Think of all the memories we have here."
"Darren sweetie I don't need the house for memories, I'll remember them all." Darrens mother said trying to calm him.
"This just isint fair." Darren yelled once more the ran down the stairs.
"Now listen hear young man," Darrens father began "you are acting like a child, a spoilt brat and we did not raise you to be like that, this is your mother and mine's decision and we're moving and that's final."
Darren ran away from his parents and into the living room with Lauren.
"Joey?" Darren said surprised. "What are you doing here."
"They know something is up, you have to tell your parents, I can't hold out much longer." Joey told him. All the color washed from Darrens face, he couldn't tell his parents not after how he just spoke to them.
"Tell us what?" Darrens mother asked as she stepped into the room, with her husband at her side.
"Nothing." Darren said, trying not to make eye contact with them.
"Darren if you don't I will." Joey said. Darren grabbed Laurens hand and squeezed it tight, then took a deep breath. He looked over at Lauren who gave him a reassuring smile, and that was all he needed.
"Lauren is pregnant." Darren said. "And the only reason why I was so upset about you selling the house is because, we wanted to move in untill we got ahold of this whole parenting life style."
Darrens mother looked at them with sympathetic eyes, then walked up and hugged them both. She took a deep breath then kissed Darren and Lauren on the cheek. "Charles, I think you know what to do." She said to her husband, who left the room and walked out side and pulled up the for sale sign. Darrens mother had a bright smile on her face. "So how many weeks are you?"
"Four, but we've only know for one week." Lauren said.
"I'm going to be a grandmother." She said the hugged Lauren. "You two can move in, but it has to be by the end of this week, deal."
"Deal." Both Darren and Lauren said in unison.
"We have a few more people to tell, so we are going to go tell them, then start packing." Darren told his parents, and the understood.
"It was nice seeing you again." Joey told Darrens parents, as they all left the house.
Joey got in the back seat of Darren car. Darren started it up and they drove off.
"So have you told Laurens parents?" Joey asked and noticed Darren looking in the rear view mirror shaking his head.
"No Darren it's okay." Lauren said placing her hand on his. "We did, but they don't want any part of this untill were married and... and it's right." Lauren said starting to tear up.
"I'm just glad that my parents are here for us." Darren said giving Lauren a reassuring smile. Darren drove them to Joeys parents house where unfortunately, everyone was.
"Well, I'll meet you in side." Joey said the grabbed os suite case and headed towards his house. He looked around the yard, rembering all the times he had played by himself in the yard. He was always content by himself, but also wanted to be liked by the other kids. But they mocked him and made fun of his jaw. But now he has a group of friends who embrace him for his differences, and who love his crooked jaw.
He opened the door and sat his suite case down beside the door.
"Mom, dad, I'm home." He yelled.
"In the living room." He is mother replied. Joey headed towards his living room and found all of his friends some how smushed together on the couch. "How are you honey?" His mom asked him
"Good, good." He replied hugging his mom.
"Good, now why didn't you come here first? Your friend beat you."
"Well I had some business to take care of and I can't really talk about it. But everyone will find out soon enough." Joey explained.
"Oh come on give us a hint." Meredith begged.
"No, look this is a big deal for them, and it isint my place to tell." Joey said, and then the front door shut and the house became dead silent. Darren and Lauren entered the room.
"I'll go, and let you guys have this moment." Joeys mom said then excused herself.
"So?" Walker asked.
Darren and Lauren looked at each other then at there friends. Lauren took a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant." The room was silent but it was broken by Meredith and Jaime squealing.
"No way!" Meridith said then jumped up and placed a hand on Laurens stomach.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Jaime asked then got up and placed her hand near Merediths. Before they could answer the question started to roll in like a huge wave.
"When are you due?" Dylan asked.
"Who are the God Parents?" Brian asked hoping he would be one of them.
"Who's the father?" Walker asked jokingly.
"We don't know what it is yet, um let's see nine months from now would be July, haven't thought about that, and me you dumb ass." Darren answered. Now that the cat was out of the bag Joey felt like he could finally relax.

STARKID Senior Year
FanfictionPoor Joey, all of his friends graduated from the University of Michigan the previous year, and Joey has to make the best if his lonesome senior year. Yea sure he still has friends but it just wasant like the last year. Read as Joey is forced to expa...