The Concert

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By January ninth Joey was back in Michigan, and there were 20 days until Darren and Lauren's big wedding. Joey had been back in Michigan for one day and had already gotten tons of calls from everyone back in California, telling him things he had to remember to do, and small details he had missed in the short amount of time he had been gone.

Joey walked to his first class of the new semester, Intro Into Theater, typically this is a class only for freshman, but Joey gets to help teach along side the professor. Just one of the perks of being a senior. Joey sat on the small stage as students began to fill up the seats in the small theater classroom.

The clock hit 9:30 and the back doors of the room opened and down walked Mr. Ralphio, and following behind him was,

"Penelope" Joey whispered to himself when he saw her, she was in her usual attire two long braided pig tails a beanie, her thick glasses, jeans, a nice blouse and a scarf around her neck. She almost looked as if she had stepped out of the 70's.

They both cought eye contact and Joey felt his heart stop for a moment. Penelope swallowed hard and put her head down and continued to follow behind Mr. Ralphio.

"Good morning students I am Mr. Ralphio, and with me are two top notch students who will be assisting me this year, Joey and Penelope." Mr. Ralphio continued on with his introduction and Penelope made her way to the back of the room and sat down, Joey quickly followed behind her and sat beside her.

Things were awkward between them, neither one of them would speak. Joey found the courage and reached into his bag and pulled out the script that Penelope gave him and handed it to her and whispered. "I don't think you should give up on the show."

"Why do you care?" She said coldly.

"Because I was an idiot." Joey said. "I'm an idiot for dropping out of your show... and, um for just running off after we kissed."

Penelope's eyes widened as she turned to look at Joey. She wanted to say something but she couldn't form words.

Students began leaving the class room. Joey looked into Penelope's eyes hoping she would say something. She darted her eyes away and grabbed the script and ran off.

I blew it! Joey thought as he gathered his things and left the room. Joey walked down the hallway ready to get back to his dorm when a poster for Bella's solo concert caught his eyes.

"I was hoping that would get your attention." A voice said coming up from behind him.

"Bella." Joey said quite frankly not knowing what to say. He knew her secret, and she didn't know he knew it.

"Joey, I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you." Bella said as she grabbed his hand. Joey quickly jerked it away from her grasp.

"I know your secret." Joey said coldly.

Bella's eyes widened, then she narrowed her eyes and looked at Joey. "I have no clue what your talking about."

"You had to transfer from the University of Minnesota because you had sex with a teacher."

"You don't have any evidence." Bella said sharply.

"And you are doing something with Mr. Newman, no wonder he thinks so highly of you. He has a family, how could you-" Joey started yelling but was cut off.

"Shut up!" Bella yelled. "I cant help it."

"You cant help but to have sex with your teachers?" Joey asked.

"You don't understand." Bella said defending herself.

"You know what I don't." Joey said turning around and started walking away


"So she was the girl." Darren said over the phone.

"Yea, and the weird thing is that she said she couldn't help it." Joey said confused.

"Hey don't fret over her, worry about Penelope- ouch!" Darren yelled into the phone, Joey heard someone apologize in the background. "No, it's fine, it just surprised me." He said with a chuckle.

"What are you doing?" Joey asked.

"Oh I'm getting fitted for my wardrobe for glee." Darren said excitedly. Joey gave a small sigh remembering how he gave Darren that audition. He always wondered that if he would have gone to the audition would he have gotten the part like Darren? "Oh and after this I'm getting fitted for my tux for the wedding. So I'll have pins in my back all day."

"Hows Lauren doing she using getting too stressed is she?" Joey asked.

"Actually she is allowing Jamie and Meredith to do most of the work, and she is relaxing. Witch is good she desperately needs to. And don't think you have gotten off the hook about telling me about what's going on with you and Penelope." Darren said.

"Oh what, what's that Evan, you need my help with a paper. Okay I'll be right there. Oh sorry buddy I've got to go." Joey said lying to get out of the conversation.

"Joey, Joey, I know that's -" Darren began but Joey quickly hung up on him.

Joey tossed his phone on his bed and leaned back and shut his eyes trying to forget about everything. Joey was about to drift off when a loud knock echoed through his dorm.

Joey slowly got up and made his way to the door. I swear if Evan forgot his key Joey thought to himself.

He opened the door and was shocked at who he saw.

STARKID Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now