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"Uh, Carter? What do you think you are doing?" 


"You more of look like a dog like now."

"Well, thats how inspecting is done."

"You mean sniffing around like dogs? It would have been more acceptable if it was Mr.Walowitz considering he's a warewolf but you look hysterical!" I said trying to hold my laugh.

We were now headed to the North side of the woods to inspect if there are any more loopoles. And as I was pleased (note the sarcasm) with my best friend Liam I decided to go with Carter. It was quite at first as we both were serious to find any clue but all we got was nothing like literally nothing! So after a while Carter started sniffing around to sense anything abnormal. Though it was funny at first it was kind of cute. And he looked so adorable with that crease on his forehead and pouted red plums that were begging to be kissed. Whoa! Where did that come from?

I guess spending time alone with Carter and being angry with Liam is affecting my brain also.

"Hey Angel!" Carter called breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yep." I said ignoring my mental turmoil.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing just about the murders." I lied smoothly.

"Oh. Can you come over and see this?" Carter asked calling me.

"Yeah coming."

As I forwarded I saw Carter bended over a small plant which looked like a rose tree. 

"A rose tree in the middle of the woods. Weird." I said bending over the plant.

"Well. Not only that. Look at this. All the flowers are perfectly bloomed and fresh except this one in the middle, which is not only withering but also turning blue." Carter told me pointing at a rose in the middle.

"Yeah. Its actually weird."

"So what do we do? Tear out the whole plant and bring it back with us to show everyone?" Carter asked me.

"No then the flower would be dead and it would be of no use to us.I guess I can alone do the magic." I said looking at him.

"Are you sure? What if it harms you too?"

"It won't. And if anything happens I can handle it."

"Its not much of an assurance Angel. I cant let you do this." Carter said worriedly looking at me.

"Trust me. I'll be fine." I said assuring him and partly getting annoyed. But it was sweet that he cared. Oh God! Those stupid thoughts again!

"No its too risky."

"Okay fine. Lets do this. We'll do the magic together. You can come with me to the memory lane. Kay?" I said assuring Carter.

"Okay. Fine" Carter said reluctantly.

I sighed. At least he agreed. And I had no problem combining my magic with his powers.

"Okay, then hold me hand." I said to Carter holding my hand out.

Carter gripped  my hand and grinned showing his pearly teeth. I scoffed at him.

"Okay so we are going to go on a memory lane and see why is this rose different. You are also going to come with me and see whatever I see. You will now hold this rose along with me and close your eyes and concentrate on the energy you feel from the rose. Okay?"

Carter nodded and held my hand again over the rose.

I started chanting the spells and started feeling dizzy.


It was dark. Maybe midnight. A cold breeze was flowing. I realized I was in the same position where the rose plant was. I tried to move but couldnt I was rooted to my spot. Suddenly  I started hearing voices. Those were murmers but soon they became louder as it neared me. It was a man accompanied by another. I couldnt see the other man as he was turned away from me. 

The man I could see was talking, no, rather arguing with the other one. But the other man stayed quiet and calm. Like he wasnt even listening to the man. He turned around and I widened my eyes at what I saw. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

It was no man. It was a monster. The man didnt have have skin. It was open and exposed flesh which looked disgusting. There were hairs on his hands and face and maybe leg too which I couldnt see. He didnd have palm or nails. He had claws like a beast.  Fangs hanged from his mouth and his eyes were bloodshot red.

The man looked directly at me and smiled the most sinister smile I had ever seen. Could he see me? He shouldnt be able to. Right? As I am on a memory lane...

"What a beautiful rose it is isn't it?" The man no beast half growled and half spoke with a gruff and horrible voice which sent a shiver down my spine. I realized that he wasn't looking at me but the rose.

"You are f***ing concerned about a f***ing rose!" "Have you been listening to what I am saying?" The man asked.

The beast remained quiet and didnt answer the man. The man looked angry and I guess with ths anger he marched to the beast with a knife in his hand and aimed the knife at the beast. 

I watched curiously as tthe man slashed the knife through the beasts chest and the drops of blood splashed on me that is , the rose.

The beast smiled again at the man which terrified at what he was going to do next. The beast brought up his hands, no , claws at the mans face and simply riiped the mans head away like he was some doll. 

I watched with wide eyes as I coudnt believe what I was seeing. The man fell lifeless to the ground as the beast took the mans head in his one hand and started walking again. Soon the beast disappeared in the thin hair. 

I looked at the man now dead as he layed limp and  lifeless in the ground.  Soon I recognized him to be the one of the victims which was brought at the pack house whose missing limb was his head. I saw the same mark started forming in his neck as I started to drift away again against the cold breeze.

Vision ends...

"Ah!" I gasped as I realized I was back with Carter holding my hands with wide eyes.

"Did you also see it?" Carter asked me.

"You mean the beast? Yeah." I replied still weak from memory lane.

"Are you okay?" Carter asked me.

"I'll be fine. Just a little bit weak." I replied.

"We should go back." Carter said looking around. "Its getting dark." 

"You're right. Lets go." I said grabbing his hands and dashing to where we came from wanting to get out of this place.


So what do you all think. i know a very late update but in my defence my PC broke down and it was hard to type in a tab. Also my exam was going on. Actually it still is going but I couldnt resist writing as soon as I got the computer. 

Dont hate. I'll try to make the next update more longer. :-)

The Cursed And His Angel (Curse Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now